"You know what makes me really sick to my stomach? It's watching you stuff your face with those hot dogs. Nobody... I mean nobody puts ketchup on a hot dog."
I actually like blood pudding or a nice Phillipino blood gravy.
I feel kinda weird because some of these combo's I like. Liver is good food! Headcheese rocks with havarati, I dunno about pickled pigs feet, but I love boiled chicken feet. Oxtail & potato is awesome, Menudo is the perfect Sunday brunch food especially if you've been drinking really heavy on Saturday.
Like the liver if it's prepared right. Head cheese and pigs feet are a bit too vinegary for me but I love a good bowl of homemade menudo. Plentiful around here on the weekends. Also, barbacoa is a favorite. Slow cooked cheek meat on a tortilla with fresh jalapeno and onion!