So can anyone confirm that I can't stay at any hotels? Or recommend me a nice airbnb or somewhere to stay? I'm thinking 3 days in Havana, 3 on a beach (varadero or??), and 1 day up in the air.
The article I cited did reference that they could help you with accommodations. May be worth another look
Missed that post. That sucks! I’m glad I haven’t encountered any issues yet.Thanks for the link Chuck
Eh, I enjoy socializing... some don’t. I guess that’s where things differ. It’s great to meet new people tho.Hey you're just young. When you get older, like some of us, boring isn't too bad. Quiet is a good thing. Keeping our shirts on is doing everyone else on the boat a favor
You aren't humble now so why would you expect to be one when you're old? You sound like the typical Carnival Cruisers with the striped shirts and plaid pantalones...probably the same guy who picks up the tongs in the buffet line and then tosses it handle first back into the food bowl and my all time favorite....takes their fingers and licks them and then grabs the tongs and grabs some food without using the tongs. Purell and sanitizing ....nahhhh.....don't need it, right? Yep....I'll take Viking anyday where the food is great....they go to amazing places unlike Carnival that hosts people who get into fights on almost every cruise....thugs who cut in lines...people get drunk daily....yep....I complain about BS like that but as people each their own and you enjoy those cruises, Chucky.Lol some people will complain about everything
I hope I’m a more humble old man in the future
I guess that’s why they have those old folk Viking cruises lololololololol
Plz pass the salt
Been on the Western Caribbean cruises and Mexico about 6 times...Panama Canal 2 times. LMK what ports you'll visit and I can tell you what to do there...the problem with most cruise lines is they take you into the tourist ports with cheap trinkets...crapola....with fake cigars. Be very careful where you eat....drink bottled water only...start looking at your tours and book them before you are on the boat...they'll mostly be booked before you get on tick tock. Eat at the Specialty Restaurants at least twice...a good steakhouse and Italian. They will have one night of steak/lobster....order as many lobster tails as you want or can eat...I order at least 5. You can do this at any dinner every night...I order at least 3 shrimp cocktails....3 desserts.also @Cigary43 what are your thoughts on the Dominican Republic? Ill be there in less than 4 weeks and wanted to now your thoughts![]()
We use Princess quite a bit because we have a ton of points.... Free perks like laundry...cabin upgrades...etc. Cunard is amazing..QM 2 is awesome...HAL is good as long as the ship is newer or has been refurbed within a few years. Celebrity is very good as well...RCL is good but don't cruise on the older or small ones...they suck. Norwegian has crap food in the MDR...use the Specialty Restaurants instead.Eh... Carnival Cruses seem to have a bad reputation, especially with my friends that live in the Ft Lauderdale/Miami area. (The ships all dock here, they do a quite a few a year) Raw sewage puddles and cold onion sandwiches... no thanks.
I hear good about Royal Caribbean and Princess cruises however, and Viking cruises are supposed to be sweet, although everyone is like 65+.
But I'm a thug that cuts line and gets drunk daily, so being stuck on a floating prison island doesn't sound all that fun to me. Maybe I could just go intimidate the old people.
On Cuba, I know a gent in the UK that used to tour Americans through Cuba during the dark years, and my previous boss before he retired went to Cuba a lot during the dark years, and the "Grey" years. His plan during the current period was to take one of the approved hotels, book it and then book a real hotel in Euros. But he also had FU money to do whatever he wanted, so I'm sure that helped quite a bit.
ETA: Certain lines also have a "First Class" option that I hear is sweet. Its one of those if you have to ask type of things, so talk to your AMEX Travel rep if you are an AMEX card holder.
So you take cruises to stay in the cabins?We use Princess quite a bit because we have a ton of points.... Free perks like laundry...cabin upgrades...etc. Cunard is amazing..QM 2 is awesome...HAL is good as long as the ship is newer or has been refurbed within a few years. Celebrity is very good as well...RCL is good but don't cruise on the older or small ones...they suck. Norwegian has crap food in the MDR...use the Specialty Restaurants instead.
BYOB's easy. As far as older cruisers go...they usually stay in their cabins unless they are entered in the wheelchair and walker races....those grey hairs are serious about them and their Bingo!
R U interested in answers or just want me to chase nonsensical questions? I go on cruises to read books...c'mon man. I'll try and give you good advice but if you aren't wanting it then don't act like you want it or you can take your cruise and stay/sleep in the bathroom or inside cabin off the fantail and feel the constant vibrations of the rudders. I stay in the balcony and mini suites which is a bit nicer than the inside prison cabins...but some prefer those and some prefer eating buffet slop too.... so the cruise experience is different for everyone.So you take cruises to stay in the cabins?