The mailman does it for us free of charge during winter here in canada!
That's funny Dog - but also a strategy.
Generally speaking - I try to do all my cigar shopping Jan through March. I can't smoke... so I buy.
The thing about shopping then is, it has the uncanny effect of providing me frozen cigars

. I never have to put my cigars into the freezer as USPS or whoever has already provided me that service (helps justify any shipping I might incur lol). By the time late March arrives, I begin digging into cigars that are over a year old (if I can hold off smoking my new sticks). By the time May/June rolls around, most of my collection is well rested and ready to go.
Works for me - and is easy to do once you start building a large enough collection.
Note - I do have a humi that I keep both B&M sticks in, and those sticks that I just had to have that I might buy in the summer. But anymore that happens less and less.
I recommend "the system" if you can. It's a great way of ensuring you don't smoke prematurely, and you get the benefit of pre-frozen sticks. You might need to budget for the big spend though lol.