Yeah, I've been away for awhile. I haven't had much time to look on here lately. Been having some rough times. Fulltime college, working, wife's assistant quit so she is working 10-12 hour days (salaried, of course), wife's grandfather died yesterday, don't forget the 5 month old baby boy (he's great, but a lot of work), we have a new Basset Hound, my GI Bill isn't paying me (over $1100 a month loss), school financial aid went out on me because they say I have too many credits, and my mortgage company just took out a double payment yesterday. By the time they give it back, it will be due again. Nice month for me, huh?
I have still found time to have a Black every once in awhile, so that relaxes me some. I find that amidst all of the bullshit that has gone wrong lately, I go for a Black when I have time. That's what tells me it's tops with me!