Getting a bad case of PAD here:
Nording Wild Boar looks like a pipe bowl rolled around in blood and guts then picked up by the tusk to keep from looking like you wrung out a herd of pigs on your clothes. It does not photograph well with my Lumia 920, but it is a gorgeous pipe:
Nording Fantasy 5 and the Nording Bear - the bear is a tiny pipe even without the bigass F5 in the pic. Calling it "Bear Cub" would be more appropriate but a marketing fail at the same time. It smokes cold, feels great in the hand, and is the most pleasing to the eye of all my pipes so far...
Peterson St. Patrick's Day 2013 fishtail - it's drilled wrong and smokes hotter than a motherfucker. Everything bites you smoking this bastard. I smoke this pipe when I feel like kicking myself in the balls or whenever I feel masochistic.
Peterson Irish Sea - pretty in pictures, rough around the edges close up. Hanve't smoked this one yet but have high hopes. It is drilled properly at it for cheap on ebay