I've got brands-o-plenty from all over the place. Some of my fine Canadian friends bombed my mailbox when I startred up here, so I have a good sample of sticks from many different manufacturers.Great advice here. I will add to perhaps try and "dry-box" some cigars for a couple of days and see if that helps. And a thought comes to mind. What brand of cigars are you smoking DevonS? Just curious. Are you having trouble with one specific type of brand or bunch of cigars you bought from one source? I'm curious to know. Good luck!
I thought what Treinenwj said about positioning and controlling the lighter was spot on. While the torch lighters are extremely hot, it is up to me how big the flame is, how close my cigar gets to it and how long I hold it there. Not trying to butt heads, but I feel that I could light a cigar with a blow torch in need be. It might take a while but using the super-heated air, and not the flame itself, it can be done. I think that more damage is done by people watching the movies where the actor lets the flame burn on the end of the cigar for a few seconds, blows it out then starts smoking. The cool factor, if you will.The problem with the theory of using your hands/arms to control a torchs heat capacity is that you can't....the heat from that blue flame lighters produce too much heat that can make temperature control difficult, and increase the chance of burning. Also, the flame from a torch lighter is nearly invisible, and so is harder to position accurately, thereby increasing the chance of acidentally burning the tobacco. Is this something that should be debated ad nauseum...not really but we need to really distinguish what is accurate against what is 'hooey'....newbies need to be clear about what they learn so they don't develop bad habits that could ultimately diminish their enjoyment of cigars.
When I used the flare it pretty much destroyed the cigar but as with anything in life...no matter what the advice there will always be a dissenting POV so when lighting a cigar...use a lightening bolt, bic, flint rock, flare or a magnifying glass...did I leave anything out?:thinkideaCigary43, you made his point when you described how you lit a cigar with a road flare. I'm doubting you burned it in half doing so... which means you used your hands to kepe the flame far enough away to prevent charring and used the heated air around it to light your cigar. If you can do that with a road flare, a triple flame CIGAR LIGHTER should be no problem.
That was his point. No matter how hot the flame... you can control not charring your cigar by by how close you get to it to whatever flame source you're using...... especially if you take your time.
We ARE teaching the new guys the truth...... that matches, soft flame lighters, torches... and I guess road flares...... can all be used to light a cigar. You just need to use your hands to control the distance and take your time so you don't char it.