It has been coming to light that the 2 embassy attacks and the murder of a US diplomat was a coordinated attack on US soil. So where do we go from here? We cannot just let an attack on Americans go by without acting can we?
My sentiments exactly. The direct and indirect aid we give to these nations that despise us is staggering.It would seem that the Muslim countries really don't want the U.S. around. If one obscure video clip about an anti-muslim film can incite such widespread violence against the U.S. than I'd say there is some deep seeded anger that needs to be recognized.
I for one would happily vote to withdraw all the U.S. financail aid to these countries, and many others, so as to get our own financial house more in order. IN short, quit giving money to other countries that we don't have. But I digress...
Sure we can. Remember when over 240 Marines were killed in Lebanon by a truck bomb? We did nothing.It has been coming to light that the 2 embassy attacks and the murder of a US diplomat was a coordinated attack on US soil. So where do we go from here? We cannot just let an attack on Americans go by without acting can we?
big mistake broRemember when the US embassy in Iran was taken over? As soon as Reagan became president they gave up the hostages. They saw Carter as weak and inept. This is almost the same as with Obama. They figure he will go on another apology tour. We need a strong and swift response on this. we have to remind these people that we have the power to destroy them because that is all they will understand.
i get so aggravated when our president just starts apologizing first then "strongly condemns" what happened. Oh yeah...that's gonna stop this type of behavior as those strong condemnations can be brutal. As was said this is the 6th time this has happened....we have some amazing weaponry at our disposal....electric machine guns that can shoot around 6000 rounds per now has the capability to shoot 12,000. They weigh around 80 pounds,,,completely maneuverable to put in our embassy compounds and would scare the bejeebers out of any insurrectionists and anybody climbing over that me the second guy will think very quickly it isn't worth storming that compound. These embassys are in the area of the world where we all know it's a hot zone....that means we own that part of the compound and have a legitimate right to defend it...not offensively but defensively. As was said with reagan as a leader...after libya pulled that stunt they learned quickly that when he spoke....stuff happens.
^^This.....It would seem that the Muslim countries really don't want the U.S. around. If one obscure video clip about an anti-muslim film can incite such widespread violence against the U.S. than I'd say there is some deep seeded anger that needs to be recognized.
I for one would happily vote to withdraw all the U.S. financail aid to these countries, and many others, so as to get our own financial house more in order. IN short, quit giving money to other countries that we don't have. But I digress...
You sure your not talking about the Iran-Contra affair? A very different hostage situation...big mistake broRemember when the US embassy in Iran was taken over? As soon as Reagan became president they gave up the hostages. They saw Carter as weak and inept. This is almost the same as with Obama. They figure he will go on another apology tour. We need a strong and swift response on this. we have to remind these people that we have the power to destroy them because that is all they will understand.
Prez Reagan admitted on national TV that he negotiated a, "lets trade weapons for hostages deal"with the terrorists
As for this Prez, its only been a couple of days Dudes... frigates are en route, while we got satt/intel data to sift thru - and THEN the Tomahawks fly
Go Nav :thumbsup: