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Interesting reaction of others when you are smoking?

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Oct 15, 2009
I suppose it's not uncommon for people to give a negative reaction when we smoke, nor is it uncommon for someone to say something positive like "smells good!" I wonder if any of you have had more "memorable" reactions. Here are two that I experienced recently: one poignant, one funny.

I was sitting outside a coffee house smoking, and a woman walking into the place stopped and smiled at me. "My grandfather used to smoke cigars. That smell brings back memories." Then she got very emotional as a wistful
far-away look appeared in her eyes and she said, almost to herself, "wow...really!" I think she was almost about to cry as she continued into the coffee house.

On another occassion, I was sitting at the same place when a pickup truck that was passing by suddenly veered to the curb and parked in front of me. A complete stranger got out of the truck, cigar in hand, and ran up to me. He said, " I just had to see what kind of cigar you're smoking." I answered, "a Punch. How about you?" He said, "Cohiba. One of the short ones, 'cuz I only have short drive till my next stop."
He then ran back to his truck and drove off!
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May 14, 2012
In Wisconsin there is no smoking indoors(other than cigar lounges). Well, my friends and I found a bar near our college that skirted this rule by having the outdoor porch of their bar completely closed in with plexiglass(spelling?) and lined with heaters, that way they didn't lose as much business from cigarette smokers. They were allowed to do this because it technically wan't inside. Anyways, my friends and I went there to enjoy a cigar without freezing our nuts off. As soon as we lit up, everyone out there gave us these looks like "what the fuck are you doing smoking a cigar here?" In fact, some of them even called us out by saying "you're going to make it smell like shit in here"

Needless to say, that bar lost my friend's and I's business forever. To bad for them because there are quite a few of us. What a bunch of hypocritical BS.


BoM Nov '10
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Dec 30, 2009
Joplin, MO
I think it's funny when cigarette smokers dis smoking cigars or pipes too for that matter. For one cigarette smokers as a group seem less invested in protecting their ability to fire one up. And another, I find cigarette smoke has a stale and incredibly light aroma that I don't much care for (this coming from someone who smoked two packs a day at one point). Maybe they felt outclassed when you fired up on their turf :dunno:.

I've had guys come up and ask me what I'm smoking and some engage in further discussion. I've handed out cigars to guys if they seem genuinely interested in what I'm smoking or in cigars in general. The most common question is unfortunately "Is that Cuban?" This usually becomes a spiel about how Cubans are the best out there and they'd never smoke anything other than CC... I've also hears some pretty scary conversations go down in the humidor at my local B&M, you should take note when you walk in and everyone is smoking cigarettes instead of cigars.

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Aug 10, 2012
Southern NH
Was the business against you smoking cigars or just other patrons? If the business was then, yeah, screw em they lost business. But if it was just the patrons keep going back and bring others. You might be able to change attitudes and educate people about the joys of cigar smoking.
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May 14, 2012
Was the business against you smoking cigars or just other patrons? If the business was then, yeah, screw em they lost business. But if it was just the patrons keep going back and bring others. You might be able to change attitudes and educate people about the joys of cigar smoking.
Hmm. Good point. The business didn't really seem to mind. Especially if we bought stuff. Good point
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Jun 6, 2010
Joliet, Illinois
I was in Michigan over the weekend and stopped by a casino. As we walked in there was a security officer stationed at the entrance so I stopped and asked him where the ATM was. He pointed it out to me so I then asked if it was acceptable to smoke cigars in the casino. He kind of eyeballed me and then begrudgingly responded " oh, I guess so, if you have to". I thought that was kind of a crappy response to a customer but I didn't let it stop me from enjoying my LP9 while there.


BoM May '11
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Feb 24, 2010
Dutton, Ontario, Canada
This topic reminds me of the MI casino we got together in last March. Even though we were in a smoking lounge, all kinds of d-bags were doing that fake cough that people seem to use as a non-verbal complaint about the smell. I thought Henderson was going to snap when an older lady walked up and was lingering behind him, seemingly waiting to be acknowledged so that she could make her snarky comment...
To our surprise, she simply said she was standing there enjoying the aroma - but declined when Hendy offered her a smoke and a chair.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
We all have stories of being maligned by those who just have to let us know they hate cigars....I don't much care about them nor do I give in to their negative comments or actions. If I get to a place first and then they come in....they can find another area to complain and I tell em that. What I like is when I am smoking a cigar and somebody will come up to me like the other poster said...they want to know what I am smoking and we'll sit there and shoot the bull for a good half hour and it's like we're old friends. I'll take one story of meeting a total stranger who acts like a BOTL against 10 stories of people who were genuine a$$holes.
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Oct 16, 2010
Lock Haven, PA
I've received far more positive comments than not. Quite often from girls a bit older than myself, often, like Criollo's experience, referencing fathers or grandfathers. My favorite, though, was when my 5yr. old granddaughter was riding with me in the car, and said, "Pappy, did you smell that?"
I replied, "No honeypie, what was it?"
"I don't know Pappy, but it smelled like a really good cigar."


Luva Sweet Easy Retrohale
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Jul 11, 2011
I was away from home, walking on a city sidewalk, and a guy was walking towards me briskly. His path intersected a small amount of my smoke and, when he reached it, he ducked violently to avoid it, the way you'd duck if your path were suddenly blocked by a large solid object. He didn't say anything, just kept walking. It was very amusing; kept me smiling for a long time.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
I used to be the doorman at a bar that had no smoking patio. Part of my job was to make sure people weren't being too loud on the sidewalk in front of the bar while they smoked, because we were just across the street from a residential area. Anyway, I used to take cigars with me and smoke them while I watched the door all night... I got a good laugh when this d-bag, who was trying to slip his underage girlfriend in, tried to tell me that cubans are legal again. "Yeah, bro... fur realz. Man, you should check 'em out. They are called 'La Gloria Cubanas' and they have them at the smoke shop near my apartment. They are legit, bro." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!

But my favorite was when this drunk guy stumbled out of the bar with a cigarette in his mouth, and after lighting it, yells out "Jesus, what smells like shit out here? F**k, I am about to throw up from that nasty stench... oh, wait... hey man, are smoking a cigar?"


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I've received far more positive comments than not. Quite often from girls a bit older than myself, often, like Criollo's experience, referencing fathers or grandfathers. My favorite, though, was when my 5yr. old granddaughter was riding with me in the car, and said, "Pappy, did you smell that?"
I replied, "No honeypie, what was it?"
"I don't know Pappy, but it smelled like a really good cigar."
Now that is a grand daughter/grandad freeze frame moment. That brings a smile to my face being a grandfather myself to 2 girls and a boy.
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Feb 5, 2011
Dover, NH
Every thursday night Federal Cigar in Dover puts on a genlemans night along with The Chop Shop(where all the big dinners are held). There is usually 8-12 of us out there having drinks and enjoying cigars and each others company. This past thursday a guy(appeared to be drunk) comes up to the deck and asks if we are a private club. Our response "Yes now sit down. Would you like a cigar" he then joined us and we had some decent joking and conversation. Good time had by all.
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Sep 17, 2012
Western, NY
In Wisconsin there is no smoking indoors(other than cigar lounges). Well, my friends and I found a bar near our college that skirted this rule by having the outdoor porch of their bar completely closed in with plexiglass(spelling?) and lined with heaters, that way they didn't lose as much business from cigarette smokers. They were allowed to do this because it technically wan't inside. Anyways, my friends and I went there to enjoy a cigar without freezing our nuts off. As soon as we lit up, everyone out there gave us these looks like "what the fuck are you doing smoking a cigar here?" In fact, some of them even called us out by saying "you're going to make it smell like shit in here"

Needless to say, that bar lost my friend's and I's business forever. To bad for them because there are quite a few of us. What a bunch of hypocritical BS.
Had the same situation, unfortunately for the cigarette smokers the owner of the bar was a cigar smoker and essentially told them if they did not like it they could leave. No one left.
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Apr 29, 2012
Phoenix AZ
That's funny...I think Cigarettes smell like shit! But I could care less if it's in a smoke shack.

I couldn't agree more. Cigarette smokers are nothing more than low class inhalers, WE on the other hand are some classy SOB's :chat: Ok next on the soapbox.
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Oct 2, 2012
Graham, WA
hahahaha some great stories. The thing I find interesting is the stories about the cigarette smokers getting mad at a cigar smoker. At my local cigar lounge I have been with a guy who lit up a cigarette right in the middle of the place. Now everyone turned and looked when they caught the smell but not one person said a thing to him. I gave him crap about it but that didn't change anything. Still interesting how no one said a word, that class if you ask me.


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
I have a few good ones. I'll skip the "angry person" ones and go with a happy person one.
My freshman year, we all went out on the town. I brought a stick with me, just a Fuente 858 or something. A friend of a friend was with us, and he had a drink or two too many. We stopped at a little tobacco shop for him to buy cigarettes, and I waited outside lighting up my stick. He came out, lit up one of his cigs... and after a minute or two asked if he could try a puff of my cigar. Took one drag, spiked his cigs in the trash can like a football player that just scored... and marched back into the store - still with my lit cigar (which is a big no no) - loudly yelling "FIND ME SOME OF THESE!"
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Aug 17, 2012
I love sitting on the smoking porch of my fraternity and lighting up a cigar. The porch opens into the main stairwell of the house so my smoke inevitably travels through the house. Now I always try to bring one or two extra sticks with me because within ten minutes a couple fraternity brothers will wander down, drawn by the smell and this is when I try to turn my fraternity brothers into brothers of the leaf. Some of my best college memories have come from conversations I've had with brothers drawn to the porch by the delicious scent of a cigar.