I do have a crystal ashtray, next time I get outside for a smoke I am going to have to test this band on bottom theory to see how well it shows through. That would mean I would have to keep the top of the ashtray somewhat clean so that they could show through.Get a crystal ash tray, and adhere them to the underside of it so they show through, then cover the bottom with a layer of felt to seal the deal... just an idea. Would need a crystal clear adhesive that won't whiten or yellow as it dries/ages, but it's an easier task than finding a coating that won't scorch or burn if you put them on the inside of the tray...I like this idea. I'm going to do some more brainstorming on this one, thanks!Some kind of ashtray would look cool. If you could get a stock ashtray somewhere and cover it with the bands and seal it with something so that they wouldn't burn. Just thinking out loud since I have been collecting mine for a while as well.
EDIT: Or you could get a stinky tray and adhere them to the outside then clear...