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Ever heard of Scarification? (SLIGHTLY graphic, REALLY cool)


Master of Mayhem * BoM 1/14
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Mar 17, 2013
Just FYI, that's typically a very uncouth question to ask people about their tattoos and other body art.
hmm, i wouldn't have known that either. My wife has a few tats and never has an issue if people ask her about them.
I have an entire sleeve and other visible tattoos on my other arm and both lower legs. I absolutely hate it when people ask me about them. "Why did you get that...what does that mean...what does this represent to you." I guess I was kind of asking for it by having so many visible tattoos, but I didn't get them for other peoples enjoyment, or want any kind of recognition. Keep your questions to yourself, or just say "hey nice ink." I'm never rude when people ask me about them, and most people are very nice when they do ask questions, do I really don't like it. That's my .02

Anyways, that scarification looks awesome. I'm really interested to see how it heals and how the healing process goes. I've never thought about getting something like that, but I do kinda want a brand!
How long have you had your work?
Some for 10 years, others as new as last week.
I felt the same as you but humans are a curious and nosey species by nature. Forever I got tired of bn looked at and talked about under they're breath like a bastard at a family reunion. Then I started to relish the fact that its becoming more socially acceptable however so slow it still has moved forward 'as an art form'. Even tho it bugs you now it will become second nature just to smile and let people enjoy or even envy the artwork you have. I appreciate the fact you still take the time to 'amuse' certain peoples curiosity. Not sure if your a tattoo artist or enthusiast but I respect the fact they are for you an not a social status as most people get them for, as I tell people all the time they are not for everyone else's enjoyment they are for you. I will say I do hate it and still call people out that come up to me and pull my sleeves up to see my work before they ask now that truly gripes me lol. But I have came to the understanding that 'some' people are truly fugged up and there's nothing we can do to change that. Keep getting that artwork brother!!! Peace......Bryan
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Oct 27, 2012
Orlando, FL
I've just learned to BS any "meanings" behind my ink or respond with the "why not? I thought it was cool" responses unless it's another "collector." It takes too long, and I don't like people in my business generally. That, and it's sometimes fun to see how gulable people are... I would be prepared for people to grab it though once it's not under saran wrap anympre and not weaping. I've had random people straight up grab my arm to look at them. Usually women, but still generally not welcomed. Ha. I'd imagine with somthing like this people will be curious enough to see if it's really a scar...
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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
I personally don't care if people ask me about my tattoos. Two of my pieces have a meaning to me and then my leg has a piece I just like. I admire great work and look at people's artwork all the time, never ask anything but like to look for sure.

Sent from your mothers phone
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Jul 1, 2013
Boiling Springs, SC
I felt the same as you but humans are a curious and nosey species by nature. Forever I got tired of bn looked at and talked about under they're breath like a bastard at a family reunion. Then I started to relish the fact that its becoming more socially acceptable however so slow it still has moved forward 'as an art form'. Even tho it bugs you now it will become second nature just to smile and let people enjoy or even envy the artwork you have. I appreciate the fact you still take the time to 'amuse' certain peoples curiosity. Not sure if your a tattoo artist or enthusiast but I respect the fact they are for you an not a social status as most people get them for, as I tell people all the time they are not for everyone else's enjoyment they are for you. I will say I do hate it and still call people out that come up to me and pull my sleeves up to see my work before they ask now that truly gripes me lol. But I have came to the understanding that 'some' people are truly fugged up and there's nothing we can do to change that. Keep getting that artwork brother!!! Peace......Bryan
Rev, you've got some amazing artwork on you man, and I have creepily admired some of it at times, but I'd never ask you about any of it.

I think I'd feel odd asking someone about their ink because of how I feel about my own.

About the scarification... I do wonder how the process feels in comparison to getting a tattoo.
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Mar 24, 2013
kissimmee, fl
I've just learned to BS any "meanings" behind my ink or respond with the "why not? I thought it was cool" responses unless it's another "collector." It takes too long, and I don't like people in my business generally. That, and it's sometimes fun to see how gulable people are... I would be prepared for people to grab it though once it's not under saran wrap anympre and not weaping. I've had random people straight up grab my arm to look at them. Usually women, but still generally not welcomed. Ha. I'd imagine with somthing like this people will be curious enough to see if it's really a scar...
What color is that, blue? LMFAO!!!
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
For me I find it funny when ppl ask me which only happens at the beach or if I have no shirt on.

They ask the question and I give them a straight forward to the point answer. "It's a reminder"

Most ppl give me a dumb look and I just smile and walk away.

I've never asked another person what their tattoo means it's just odd to me as I know why I got mine. But to each their own I guess.
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May 18, 2013
New Orleans, Afghanistan - Georgia
Rev...you're an artist of 20 years huh? This could get fluckin dangerous. I have a full sleeve that goes onto my chest, a pin up in progress on my thigh, my collarbone and throat done, left wrist and tricep. I have an appointment in Dec for my ribs to be done by Jeremiah Barba. Still plenty of room for Rev work!
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Oct 27, 2012
Orlando, FL
I've just learned to BS any "meanings" behind my ink or respond with the "why not? I thought it was cool" responses unless it's another "collector." It takes too long, and I don't like people in my business generally. That, and it's sometimes fun to see how gulable people are... I would be prepared for people to grab it though once it's not under saran wrap anympre and not weaping. I've had random people straight up grab my arm to look at them. Usually women, but still generally not welcomed. Ha. I'd imagine with somthing like this people will be curious enough to see if it's really a scar...
What color is that, blue? LMFAO!!!
Jerkass. Ha ha!
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Aug 14, 2013
Lafayette, In,
When people ask about my tattoos & their meaning I just tell them they are birth marks and I was born with them. Usually stops the annoying dopes. Still not as bad as "Did it hurt?"...
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Aug 18, 2013
Wait a sec.

So you cover your body in tats, so everyone can see them, and then get annoyed when someone asks you if they have any meaning to you? Really?

I'm getting my first (I'm 40) which has a lot of meaning for me and it won't be visible unless I want someone to see it. My artist asked me about why I chose that design and I was happy to tell him. He said when people have a clear idea of what the design should mean, it gives him inspiration to be more creative if the canvas lets him.


Master of Mayhem * BoM 1/14
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Mar 17, 2013
Wait a sec.

So you cover your body in tats, so everyone can see them, and then get annoyed when someone asks you if they have any meaning to you? Really?

I'm getting my first (I'm 40) which has a lot of meaning for me and it won't be visible unless I want someone to see it. My artist asked me about why I chose that design and I was happy to tell him. He said when people have a clear idea of what the design should mean, it gives him inspiration to be more creative if the canvas lets him.
^^^This is awesome to hear^^^ A lot of times if the customer has gave the artist all the details they want to see in a finished product and give the artist some artistic freedom they end up way better artwork more times than not especially if you've seen they're work in person and a portfolio.:)
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Aug 18, 2013
^^^This is awesome to hear^^^ A lot of times if the customer has gave the artist all the details they want to see in a finished product and give the artist some artistic freedom they end up way better artwork more times than not especially if you've seen they're work in person and a portfolio.:)
This is going to sound weird, but I've been planing this tattoo for 20 years. I'm not an artist at all, so I figure, if the artist can turn my idea into a wicked piece of skin art, why not give him the freedom?


Master of Mayhem * BoM 1/14
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Mar 17, 2013
Not weird at all. Just ready and damn sure! Nothing wrong with that at all bro.