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Brotherhood: Reward and Meaning

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Apr 10, 2012
BOTL is a place of brotherhood.

Brotherhood (N.) An association, society, or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade.

(Seriously, thats the definition... like the dictionaries definition. Tell me when you hear that you don't instantly think of BOTL)

This place that Eric and company have created; that a fine group of men moderate; that an even finer group of individuals enjoy and call home is special.

At times this place is a source of inspiration, at times its the source of hardship. Regardless of which one you relate with, BOTL is still a place that provided each one of us with some thing that defines who we are.

People come and go, but people also create what BOTL is, bigger than any one person, and the meaning of collaborative work and effort.

It hurts to see problems in the board at times, but it provides great satisfaction when we come together for one another or for the greater good and health of the board.

There have been two individuals on the board that have created or sparked some thing in me that has made me who I am today.

There are times in life where your choices shape with direction you chose to travel or turn; sometimes its left and sometimes its right. Over the past few months I have found myself facing choices and times in my life that have no direction or choice. Sometimes instead of getting the opportunity to chose you have to follow and learn from the event that put you in the situation without direction.

Both of these men have contributed to me and the board in a way that makes us what we are. I doubt that they know this, but they soon will. (At least from my end)

Merit and size are not relevant in this; the meaning is deeper and is my way of paying homage to their situations and how its related to me.

In health,
CigarGavin (Gavin)
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Apr 10, 2012
Warren (W.B.)-

You embody what it means to be a brother; regardless of time on the board you embrace friendship with all and make everyone you encounter better for knowing you. Your knowledge (cigars and personal) create an informative and comfortable environment for all brothers. You truly embrace what it means to be a brother and serve as a model for others to look to attain.

I know you tend to keep a small amount of cigars on hand because of your "selective storage" techniques; hopefully this will help change that.

I had my old Opus 22 box from 2009 lined in Spanish cedar and made into an humidor for you; may it let you keep a few more cigars on hand. Fit for a fellow Opus X lover to store in style.

Also a bottle of my namesake highland single malt scotch in case you forget where the humidor came from. :)

Thank you for being a great brother.

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Apr 10, 2012
Jonathan (JDog)-

Much like Warren you embrace all brothers regardless of time spent on the board; your MAW bombs are like Christmas morning to those who receive them and in some cases held more dear. I truly believe that there isn't a cigar rare enough that you wouldn't give to another just to make their day or too see the reaction on their face.

I know that you have a large collection that you keep in multiple coolidors; Too you I give my cabinet humidor that I built last year. Hopefully You are able to condense some of your collection into one place (and keep the door shut long enough to maintain humidity with all you bombing and receiving ;) ) With all the generosity that you bestow upon other brothers, its time that you got some in return.

P.S.- Apparently we are hanging out tonight so we can discuss delivery options then... I didn't just want to show up and freak out your wife with a piece of furniture while you where at work... or vis-versa.

P.P.S.- This is now on the board which means that you must accept it... no P.M's pleading me to not give this too you.... It...is....yours....enjoy.



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WTF is a Donk?
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Sep 1, 2006
Seymour, CT
Well put my friend, I started out my cigar life here and I began as a uneducated nub, but with the guidance and support of so many great brothers here I have learned so much and gained many friends here. I truly think this is a one in a million online group.


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Sep 7, 2013
Nicely done and I am a newb. I have already begun to learn so much and everyone on here is a true BOTL
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
This could not have been put any better brother. I too have a couple of brothers here that I hold very dear to my heart. They both know who they are. I have made a promise that I will show them the same brotherly love they have bestowed upon me. Again brother this is very amazingly put and good for you truly and I hope you well on your journey.
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Sep 30, 2012
Northwest Suburbs of the Windy City of Chicago
Amen bro. Like we've talked about, there's politics in any place you go. It's how you choose to respond that makes the journey. I, and I know you as well, simply choose to focus on the personal relationships that we've gained from this brotherhood. No amount of bad apples can spoil this party bro! I'm just glad that besides a BOTL, I can call you a friend.


RV Wizard
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Jan 25, 2009
Chattanooga, Tn
Well Stated brother Gavin. Life is too short for the many things some get hung up on. I like your philosophy and wish you well in your travel through life my friend.


BoM July '12
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Sep 5, 2011
top of kentucky
As Rob said at Wednesdays herf; Gavin is the great romanticizer. Push out the hate, bring in the love, and smoke what you like.
Now having thought about it, to romanticize is to make something seem better than it really is. Maybe he's a realist or just a damn good brother.
i think what you are looking for is "idealist"? o)

well said, and well meant brother! at the end of the day, this is more than a website, it is an opportunity. an opportunity some of us may not get to exercise on a regular basis, or ever depending on reigon and situation, to connect with great people. an opportunity to exercise your giving side. and one of those rare few occasions in our life where we can actually exercise our freedom to be better people than we were.

"i'm a hopeless romantic! you're just hopeless", the bouncing souls, Hopeless Romantic. i would rather aim high and miss, than never aim for anything.


BoM Feb 14
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Feb 11, 2013
Olmsted Township, OH
"i'm a hopeless romantic! you're just hopeless", the bouncing souls, Hopeless Romantic. i would rather aim high and miss, than never aim for anything.
An amazing song JJ!

Now more on topic. This is a well written observation of this place. This community is rare in any form, let alone on the internet. Most people use the web to hide their identities so the can talk sh.., flame, degrade, and troll.

Here on the other hand I see some of the most amazing things happen at a moments notice. Yes there is giving "i think of it as virtual herfing" but that is just a tip of the iceberg. Thoughts, prayers, sadness, and joy is all shared more openly than we probably would in person. There are connections here I would never had made outside BOTL. I am happy a simple internet search lead me here.

Thanks for sharing bro.

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