I bet...did you get stuck with that bill?Imagine our surprise- we got the smartphone to use with a system that sends out alerts when we have equipment issues, we were told they are data and would be included- we installed the sytem and tested it. We sent over 500 alerts to each of 3 phones over a 2 week period- when the bill came the conversations with Verizon got ugly
Talked with the store rep- no luck:cursing:I bet...did you get stuck with that bill?
Hopefully I will never need to know thatTalked with the store rep- no luck:cursing:
Talked with the Customer Service number- No luck:boxing:
Visited the store and talked with the manager :cursing: :boxing: :help: He made it right.
We added text messaging for a fixed amount each month. I have found the only way to get anything accomplished with Verizon or Altell is to visit a store in person and speak with, at minimum, the manager.