No cable, so I haven't watched any of this. However, I'm very intrigued by this mini Seinfeld episode I'm seeing chatter about. Anybody care to explain?
Same. I gave up on cable earlier this year. For hockey I go to a sports bar.
And for everything else? Hulu/netflix/amazon prime/pirate bay.
Though I'll probably watch all the commercials on YouTube tomorrow
We gave up cable television a little over a yea ago. We save over $1000 a year. We bought a Roku device and pay for Netflix and Hulu Plus. There's just a few things - like maybe three shows - that I can't watch. But, in the end, it's just TV so who cares.
Except for hockey - I have to go to a bar or my B&M and enjoy a cigar to watch the game, unless I find an online stream (which is pretty bad quality)