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Released from the Hospital.

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Aug 26, 2013
Staten Island, N.Y.
Sorry Brothers I haven't been around for A couple weeks but I was just released from the hospital on Monday and I am finally feeling A little better and am able to see to be able to write this post. Here is what's been going on for me these past few weeks. I was Having chests pains so I went to see a cardiologist who did A stress test and it came back normal but still having the pains and having heart disease in my family especially with my dad have had 5 heart attacks, A fib and his main valve replaced the cardiologist thought it would be A good idea to go for A cardiac cath where they go in and check to make sure there is no blockages.

So on Feb 5th at 8am I go in for this procedure typically this is done threw the artery in the grown but now it has become more common to do in threw the arm which is where I had it done. I go into the OR and I'm suppose to be heavily sedated. I wasn't I felt and heard everything, Now my doctor is suppose to be A top cardiologist and I thought he was but the next thing I know there are also two Fellows which are students if you ask me coming to assist him with the procedure ( only good thing was one of the Fellows which was a pretty good looking female had to shave my groin LOL ) They Start and to my surprise they are the ones doing the work and the cardiologist is telling them what to do, here is were is gets scary I hear the cardiologist telling them no not like that you went to far back up not there over here let me do it.

Finally they are done and my arteries are clean and heart is perfect THANK GOD, they wheel me into recovery. Not five minutes in recovery my vision goes blurry I let the nurse know and they check me and say it could be A reaction to the dye used during the procedure. After they finish checking me out I was talking to my wife who was sitting on the side of me and I could no longer see her I lost my peripheral vision and my vision went black, Again we tell the nurse this time I have like 10 doctors around my bed to make sure I didn't have a stoke . they do all the tests they do to check and I pass but to be sure they are going to send me for A cat scan to make sure and keep me over night to monitor me. They let the cardiologist know what's going on and he said he's fine he don't need A cat scan he is probably dehydrated give him something to drink and eat and see how he feels, they call off the cat scan and I eat and drink something after a few hours my vision comes back and they release me.

Next morning I wake up and I'm watching cartoons with my son and my vision goes again. Back to the hospital I go they do A cat scan and it shows fine but the doctors wanting to cover their asses now want me to go for A Mri I have to be transferred to another hospital for that, Finally at 9pm they do the Mri and admit me to the hospital. Next morning 5 doctors show up and tell me I had A STROKE in the part of the brain that affects vision and I'm lucky that nothing else was affected. They kept me to make sure that was the fact and told me it's to soon to tell if the damage will be permanent or not. I am Going to have to be on a blood thinner and cholesterol medicine for the rest of my life and a lot of follow up appts with A bunch of different doctors. Why me!

With all that being said My vision has been improving day by day just dealing with headaches when it is bad and I am lucky nothing else happened. I dunno if this A good thing or bad thing but they said I would make the medical books b/c it is unheard of for A 30 year old to have A stoke from the procedure I had done, stoke being A 1 in A million Risk.
I thank god that's all it was and that he saw it fit to let me go on to be with my wife, my son and my unborn boys. Every day after that is truly A gift!

While I was in the hospital I received A bomb from Nico and my end from the I never had pass I will post those in there respected threads.

Anyone I owe A package to I haven't forgot about you I will get them out this weekend. Thank you in advance for being patient.

Also im not quite all there yet So you can blame my punctuation and grammar on the stroke LOL.
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Oct 9, 2013
Easton, PA
You have certainly been through a lot in the past few weeks!! Glad things are moving forward in a good direction! My thoughts and prayers will include you and your family as you continue to work through this.

I am sure I speak for everyone when I say not to worry about posting pictures or getting packages out right now. Focus on your health and getting better!


BoM Aug. 2014
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Oct 30, 2013
The frozen tundra of Minnesota.

We missed you around here. Lots of BOTL talking, hoping and praying you're ok. I am glad you are still with us my friend, and please know that we are all here for you should you need anything.

I won't start a dialoge about the interns doing a surgeons work (I believe that is a discussion you should have with an appropriate attorney), but I hope you look into it.

My family's thoughts and prayers go out to you, and I hope to see you around the ash-tray again soon :)

Kind regards,
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Feb 8, 2014
Covington, Georgia
My prayers definitely go out to you Brother and your full recovery. May God Bless you with many many many more years with your family and enjoying many more cigars! Relax and Rest and stay active!


BoM Sept '12 & Aug '13
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Aug 7, 2009
I won't start a dialoge about the interns doing a surgeons work (I believe that is a discussion you should have with an appropriate attorney), but I hope you look into it.
Dang bro, sorry to hear! Glad you are doing okay and found out what was causing the vision problems and my thoughts go out to you hoping that it will not be a permanent problem. But as smoqman said above... I would be so pissed if I were in your shoes that the surgeon called off the testing and sent you home. I'm not one of those lawsuit kind of guys, but that's terrible IMO and you need to make sure you are covered if your vision is permanently damaged. When it comes to strokes, early intervention is always important.
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Wow Lou thank god everything is alright. Just so you know you are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers and wish you a full and complete recovery.

Don't worry about us here we will most definitely be waiting for you no matter how long it takes.

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Mar 22, 2012
Alexandria, VA
Definitely would be talking to an attorney unless you signed the sheet saying it was OK for students to be involved. If not, they shouldnt have been there. Shitty that you had to hear and feel everything they were doing as that is pretty rare too. Hope things are improving and take care of yourself first. Prayers coming your way.


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
That is a lot to wrap your head around. Sometimes these things are a reminder of what's important in life. I will send prayers for you and your family. Keep your head and enjoy life.


The Bully
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Sep 15, 2010
Long Island, NY
Jesus Lou....take care of yourself so we can eventually have a few sticks together. But get clearance form your doctor first!!! I'm glad that you are feeling better and on the way to recovery! If you need anything, let me know.
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Nov 1, 2013
We don't know each other, but I'll keep you in my prayers. I won't advise you on what happened, it's possible that the students didn't even do it and that it was just rotten luck or a way for God to show you something, but either way, I will pray deep that you're okay.