I'm kind hoping I didn't mess up by grabbing the black CGs over these
You didn't.
For my palate, the CG is the better tasting cigar. The Belle Encre is excellent, particularly in shape and construction -- it really WANTS to be smoked! It has a unique flavor and a pervading sweetness, especially the ridiculously fine broadleaf wrapper. And yes, the travel humi they come in is very chic: black nylon with the Tat logo in silver on top, with a wide silver zipper closure around the edge.
But again, my taste buds say CG. Which is good since they're cheaper
If anyone is having a hard time finding boxes or singles of either the CG or Belle Encre, my B&M has them. They're not cheap (California) but can be had pretty easily. CG $12, BE $15.
I've been buying the CG one at a time and smoked about 8 of em in the last 2 weeks. Nobody I've turned onto them has had anything but praise, including CC smokers.