Electric Sheep
Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
PM replied to...
My side of the trade with Duane should be at his place sometime on Mon. If no one picks up NYLAW by that time I am ok to do another trade. Besides we can pick a good day next week and meet somewhere in the city to do a hand off and a smoke a cigar or 2 :smokingboI'm sure you can work something out Ben...on the list you go.
Excellent! I can't wait to see what it contains! I'm already preparing return fire... :rifleaim:Duane the package is going out today DC# 0103 8555 7497 2398 8095
I too have no CC's but I'm interested in a trade. Let me know if there are any out there willing to extend a hand to a no0b.I think I'd be interested in making a trade to get my trader rating up and running... I've already met some of the BOTL veterans in person, but it'd be nice to expand who I know on here a bit...
Wasch, my only problem is that I have no CCs. My collection includes some RyJs, Onyx, Gurhka, Fonseca, a few Macanudos... Nothing too "out of the ordinary", but I'd love to work something out with anyone who might be interested... I have a bunch of other stuff, too... Let me know if there are any FOGs who'd be interested in makin' a trade!
(Because of my monetary situation, I'd prefer a 'trade' to a 'buy' at this time...)
Sweet. Damn this place is great.Awesome...