How you liking Obamas change now?
Folks this is how some politicians feel they are elected to control our lives, but exempt themselves, I'm a lifetime member of the CRA. If you are not a member, then why aren't you, get involved, write to your elected officials, and tell them how opposed you are to this and the cost of more American jobs this will be.
As an aside, I wouldn't hasten to overly politicize such developments. The ban on cigarette advertising started under the Nixon administration. Warning label requirements started under LBJ, but the enhanced required warning labels, that got more specific about the health risks of cigarettes, launched during the Reagan administration. Tobacco taxes have gone up under every administration. And, yes, the Obama administration owns the 2009 Tobacco Control Act. Still, this line of inquiry into regulation was/is inevitable, regardless of what party has held, holds, or will hold office. I don't think we'd have fared any differently under, say, a Romney administration-- where the Executive would be holding the the strong, inerrant belief that tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine are of the devil.
Phaedron, while I agree with you that this isn't exclusive to Obama, to Bill's point about "how some politicians feel they are elected to control our lives, but exempt themselves"....
I can't help but notice while looking at your avatar, I am immediately reminded of JFK placing an order for 1,200 Cuban cigars hours before he signed the Cuban embargo.
Anyway, the point here is to not turn this into a Right/Left discussion but to stand united. You are correct, both R's and D's administrations have supported over-reaching policies.
Sorry, just hoping to not see any type of partisan talking points at a time like this so throwing in my 2 cents for whatever its worth.