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Worst things to say to a cigar smoker


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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
"is it cuban?"
you mean "is that a cohiba?" people always assume cigars are only cuban, and cohibas.
followed by, "well one time i smoked a cuban. They're so much better than 'american' cigars..."
i met this girl once, she saw me smoking an obsidian, and came up to talk to me. I was open to it at first, but the time she left me alone i wanted to murder someone. She was talking to me about how her mom used to smoked flavored cubans, and what cuban i was smoking. I told her not all cigars are from cuba, and that i never heard of flavored cubans. She ended up calling her mom and telling her about me, and if she remembered what the cigars she smoked were called. I cringe when i think about that day
i find this whole story unbelievable. Starting with "i met this girl..."
i don't think she was a girl either brother. She had more hair on her chin than me. Also just cause i like dressing in drag doesn't mean i'm gay 😁
must... Not... Keep.... This... Hidden


Drew Estate NotRex
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Nov 16, 2011
Fort Wayne, IN
You know that's worse for you than smoking cigarettes?

Can you put that out?

Do you like cigars?

Bonus for pipe smokers.

I use pipe tobacco in my cigarettes. FFS
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Mar 7, 2013
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Someone smoking a cigarette has the balls to look at me and say do you know what that cigar is doing to you its worse then smoking 10 cigarettes.

I follow that up with a WTF are you talking about...(and i keep a straight face the entire time, they usually panic).
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Feb 28, 2014
Rockwood, TN
Someone smoking a cigarette has the balls to look at me and say do you know what that cigar is doing to you its worse then smoking 10 cigarettes.

I follow that up with a WTF are you talking about...(and i keep a straight face the entire time, they usually panic).
Or when you light up a cigar next to a whole table of cigarette smokers with a cloud of stale smoke around them and you get looks like you farted or lit up a turd. No words are said or necessary other than their expressions. I just blow more smoke in their direction.
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Jun 27, 2014
I don't really smoke in public so I don't have to put up with crap from others.

I smoke in PEACE!


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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Someone smoking a cigarette has the balls to look at me and say do you know what that cigar is doing to you its worse then smoking 10 cigarettes.

I follow that up with a WTF are you talking about...(and i keep a straight face the entire time, they usually panic).
Or when you light up a cigar next to a whole table of cigarette smokers with a cloud of stale smoke around them and you get looks like you farted or lit up a turd. No words are said or necessary other than their expressions. I just blow more smoke in their direction.
The other night, I met up at an outside venue with some friends who smoke cigarettes. The table next to us had a reformed smoker with an e-cig. Said reformed smoker asked if we would mind putting our smoking stuff out, all the while, he was puffing on his e-cig. I politely explained that if he was offended by our smoke, he could move to an area of the outside venue that didn't allow smoking. He was offended by that as well, I explained that his e-cig was offensive to me and if he wouldn't mind extinguishing that, to which he blew a large puff of the electronic crap into my face. Let's just say, things got ugly from there...

I don't think this pertains to just cigar or pipe smokers, but that's what irks me...
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Aug 24, 2012
Cincinnati, OH
Someone smoking a cigarette has the balls to look at me and say do you know what that cigar is doing to you its worse then smoking 10 cigarettes.

I follow that up with a WTF are you talking about...(and i keep a straight face the entire time, they usually panic).
Or when you light up a cigar next to a whole table of cigarette smokers with a cloud of stale smoke around them and you get looks like you farted or lit up a turd. No words are said or necessary other than their expressions. I just blow more smoke in their direction.
I get the same looks, but the difference is I usually did fart.


Anything worth doing is worth overdoing
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Jul 8, 2010
Langhorne, PA
Not necessarily something that was said...but there was this restaurant I used to enjoy...good food and good beers. They have an outdoor patio that is the designated "smoking area", but it has signs that say "No CIGAR smoking", with the word cigar in bold letters. Needless to say, I don't frequent that restaurant anymore.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
When in this circumstance I find a very promt (as in the middle of them talking) "shut the @$!# up" ends the interaction quite fast. Lacking couth? Yes, but very efficient. Furthermore it may make them think twice about saying something to the next person, as their previous unwarranted interjection proved to be frivolous.
Lol....this tends to end any discussion of cigar smoking. While I've done this a few times in my life it's always comical to see what other people do or say when I light up my cigar in any area where it clearly is ok to do so. I also find using reverse psychology can be fun when dealing with others...."Oh, would you like me to blow more smoke your way...it really is a very aromatic aroma isn't it?" or this....." Sorry, I don't speak english and don't understand what you're saying" ( spoken in perfect english )


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
I guess I'm the opposite. I try to be as polite and accommodating as possible. They way I see it, the political climate is not swinging in our favor, I want to win over as many people as I can to the idea that even if they don't enjoy it, there's no harm in me enjoying it.

I avoid smoking in places where my cigar smoke might not be welcome, and I almost always ask anyone around if they'll mind me lighting up. More often than not, folks are quite polite back, and I've struck up interesting conversations with some, and been able to educate them.

A soft answer turns away wrath. Just my two cents.
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Dec 27, 2007
Woodbridge, VA
Thanks, Ninj. I was beginning to wonder if I'd missed the part of cigar 101 where they taught 'Being a dick'.

Aside from trying to be a bit considerate, I also try to be patient with anyone that shows even a feigned interest. A little education and understanding just might do us all better in the long run than ridicule and snarky comments.


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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
Mr. Ninja, while I do understand and appreciate your stand on it, things aren't always going to go the way you like. Are you going to keep moving to a different section of the bar because someone new walked into your area and doesn't like cigar smoke?

What about going to a cigar friendly restaurant then, after dinner, while enjoying your cigar and maybe a libation, a couple comes in, smoking cigarettes and tells you that your cigar is offensive. Are you going to move to a different table? While I agree there are times a softer approach is better, there are times that standing your ground, not allowing YOUR rights to be trampled, is the best, and correct way to handle it.

My apologies for my rant.


Derek | BoM June 2014
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Mar 28, 2012
Mr. Ninja, while I do understand and appreciate your stand on it, things aren't always going to go the way you like. Are you going to keep moving to a different section of the bar because someone new walked into your area and doesn't like cigar smoke?

What about going to a cigar friendly restaurant then, after dinner, while enjoying your cigar and maybe a libation, a couple comes in, smoking cigarettes and tells you that your cigar is offensive. Are you going to move to a different table? While I agree there are times a softer approach is better, there are times that standing your ground, not allowing YOUR rights to be trampled, is the best, and correct way to handle it.

My apologies for my rant.
First, no apology necessary. You raise some valid points.

I don't usually frequent bars, and even if I did, smoking is banned in all public areas in the state. There are only 4-5 places you can go to smoke in public here, legally. So when I'm asking, it's usually in an area where I'm not technically supposed to be smoking, like down by the river, or in a park somewhere.

If I was in a restaurant that allowed cigar smoking, and cigarette smokers complained, it would likely depend on the situation, but I wouldn't respond rudely or angrily. I may stand my ground, especially if the policies of the restaurant allowed it, but I would be polite about the situation. Or, I may put it out in consideration of the couple, depending on how I read the situation.

I agree, we shouldn't let our rights be trampled. I just want to make sure we're doing it as civilly as possible.
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
I guess I'm the opposite. I try to be as polite and accommodating as possible. They way I see it, the political climate is not swinging in our favor, I want to win over as many people as I can to the idea that even if they don't enjoy it, there's no harm in me enjoying it.

I avoid smoking in places where my cigar smoke might not be welcome, and I almost always ask anyone around if they'll mind me lighting up. More often than not, folks are quite polite back, and I've struck up interesting conversations with some, and been able to educate them.

A soft answer turns away wrath. Just my two cents.
I live in an area of Chicagoland where being judgmental has been elevated to an art so I, too, try to be courteous and polite and, for the most part, people pick up on that. Yesterday, I was out with a business partner in a park and we sat down at a table, realized the wind would blow the smoke at them, and then got up and grabbed the table on the other side. When they looked at us with a puzzled look, I held up my cigar and said we wanted to make sure we were downwind. They said "thanks" and we even ended up chatting with them.

Last week I was out with Romulus Cogswell at a small fair in a neighboring town. We sat at a small table outside the B&M and a lot of people had to walk right past us. Two things stood out for me: 1) the number of people who did NOT seem offended and 2) how many people when, seeing us sitting there smoking, decided to go into the store.