Thanks for all the thgoughts and prayers!
Surgery was done on both eyes and all went well. Surgery was completed at about 1:30 with him not able to open his eyes until we were at home and he had eaten everything in the house (7:30). He ate 4 cookies, 2 bowls of Frosted flakes, a bowl of Fruit Loops, a pop tart, a PB&J sandwich, chips, a few M&Ms, 3 glasses of milk and 2 glasses of water.
Until he could open his eyes he was, understandably, pretty pissed about what we had let the doctors do to him. Now they just bother him. He said it feels like there is something in his eyes. Even at 5, he is doing good at not rubbing them.
His eyes look good- a little blood shot in the corners- and should improve daily to being clear in the next few weeks. Haven't seen the eyes cross so far.
He has a follow-up visit next Wednesday for the Dr to determine if the results are what were anticipated.
Thanks again for the support!!