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Dec 15, 2005
Thanks for all the thgoughts and prayers!

Surgery was done on both eyes and all went well. Surgery was completed at about 1:30 with him not able to open his eyes until we were at home and he had eaten everything in the house (7:30). He ate 4 cookies, 2 bowls of Frosted flakes, a bowl of Fruit Loops, a pop tart, a PB&J sandwich, chips, a few M&Ms, 3 glasses of milk and 2 glasses of water.
Until he could open his eyes he was, understandably, pretty pissed about what we had let the doctors do to him. Now they just bother him. He said it feels like there is something in his eyes. Even at 5, he is doing good at not rubbing them.

His eyes look good- a little blood shot in the corners- and should improve daily to being clear in the next few weeks. Haven't seen the eyes cross so far.

He has a follow-up visit next Wednesday for the Dr to determine if the results are what were anticipated.

Thanks again for the support!!
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Dec 15, 2005
Thanks for asking Steve.
We did go backafter a week and all looked good (healing).

I am taking him in tomorrow to have his 6 week followup. The doctor will do mesurements and also see if the vision hasimproved. Thealignment looks good to me. My wife says the left eye, which used to turn inward, looks to her as if it turns out slightly. I don't see it.

We'll follow up tomorrow once we get home.
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Jan 9, 2006
Thanks for asking Steve.
We did go backafter a week and all looked good (healing).

I am taking him in tomorrow to have his 6 week followup. The doctor will do mesurements and also see if the vision hasimproved. Thealignment looks good to me. My wife says the left eye, which used to turn inward, looks to her as if it turns out slightly. I don't see it.

We'll follow up tomorrow once we get home.

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Dec 15, 2005
Took my son in today for his 6 week check up. My wife was right, his left eye does turn outward- but only when wearing his glasses. So the Dr. said "Don't wear the glasses." Without the glasses the eyes align perfectly. He will have to wear the glasses 2 hours a day along with a patch on the right eye during that 2 hours. With the right eye patched and with glasses the left eye aligns correctly. He has a slight astigmatism that the glasses are supposed to correct for, but in the end he may be able to do away with the glasses.

Overall impression- surgery waqs successfull- a little tweaking over the next few months. If the patching goes as desired, his eyes should be aligned with our without glasses, allowing him to focus with both eyes acting together.

I have taken my son to Duke for his previous two visits and we have stopped and had pizza and Cold Stone Creamery ice cream each time. When I picked him up today, he asked if we were going to the doctor and then asked about the pizza and ice cream. We stopped again tonight. It's rare to be able to slow down and stop and just talk with him and be silly. The world is too rushed. The return trip home took about 4 hours- (2 driving and 2 eating and goofing off). Bedtime when we arrived home. He didn't need to do his homework today!

Thanks for all the thoughts!