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Quitting Smoking Cigarettes

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Dec 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Best of luck brother! I'm about at that point myself. Been smoking cigs far to much for far to long. Been thinking and feeling I should quit for a bit now. Keep us posted and hang in there!
Give it a shot, man. Been 3 days for me. Using the gum, helps take the edge off a lot. Not gonna lie, it's been tough, weird, and at times, really not that fun. However, I know that a cigarette isn't going to make me feel better. Haven't smoked a cigar yet, might have one tonight. Been planning on having one on Friday, but we'll see. I'm really spacey. Really spacey.
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Sep 26, 2012
Greenlawn, NY
I recently quit after smoking for around 10 years or so. I got sick in March with some kind of virus and had no desire to smoke a butt. I thought to myself, "Hmmm... let me see how long I can take this." It's been 5 months. Which is the longest I've gone without one. What worked big time for me is picking up one of those Logic e-cigs. Don't get me wrong, it's doesn't taste like a cig or have the same amount of smoke but it helped me with the whole hand-to-mouth movement of actually smoking. I still get the urge, especially when drinking beer or after a big meal but I just remember that I'm engaged, getting married next year and eventually want kids. I don't want to be speaking with an electrolarynx like my Grandfather did in the final years of his life. Anyway, best of luck!!! You can most definitely do it!

One more thing, after a few months of quitting, I used the money I would have spent on cigarettes and got myself a little present for keeping up with my goal.

Check this out too... http://whyquit.com/whyquit/A_Benefits_Time_Table.html
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Dec 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA
Hi Andrew! @ItsBarbarino

Just checking in to see how the weekend went.
Hoping you made it through without too many struggles.

Stay strong Brother!
Hey Clint, thanks for checking in man. Been cigarette free for one week :) my sleep schedule was pretty fucked last week, but it's getting better. Been using a little bit of snus and nicorette; trying to limit it though, I don't want to be one of these guys popping nicorette every 30 minutes.

Had 2 cigars this weekend, one on Friday to celebrate making it through the work week, and one yesterday afternoon just to unwind a little. Overall, it's going a lot better then I expected, and I'm feeling so much better (less winded and gross) then I used to! Thanks for everyone's support!


BoM March '14
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Aug 14, 2013
Spring strong sweet tall green grass grow...
Hi Andrew! @ItsBarbarino

Just checking in to see how the weekend went.
Hoping you made it through without too many struggles.

Stay strong Brother!
Hey Clint, thanks for checking in man. Been cigarette free for one week :) my sleep schedule was pretty fucked last week, but it's getting better. Been using a little bit of snus and nicorette; trying to limit it though, I don't want to be one of these guys popping nicorette every 30 minutes.

Had 2 cigars this weekend, one on Friday to celebrate making it through the work week, and one yesterday afternoon just to unwind a little. Overall, it's going a lot better then I expected, and I'm feeling so much better (less winded and gross) then I used to! Thanks for everyone's support!
That's great! :applause:

Just keep up the good work, and don't be afraid to pop back in for support if you ever start to question yourself.

Sounds like you're well on your way!
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Oct 23, 2013
Island Lake, IL
Been 4 years since my last, and it is so worth it. Most difficult thing i ever did. Like others, i bribed myself with the money i'd save on a year of smokes. In Chicago, that was $7/pack... so it was a nice reward.

Get through those first few days, then weeks, then it starts to get easier .. until it isn't even a thing anymore.
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Jul 23, 2013
I quit about 15 years ago. Took at least 10 try's before I succeeded, but so worth it when I finally did. My wife got nervous I was going to slip back into it when I took up cigars, but I only smoke 3-4 a week and haven't had a cigarette since. I used to smoke 3-4 cigarettes before breakfast! No desire going back there.

Good luck!
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Dec 23, 2013
Yuma, AZ
Great to hear to you decided to quit brother. I know its tough, my Dad did about 20 yrs ago and he is so glad he did. But it took him even a few tries, so just keep sticking to it.


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Aug 18, 2011
Three sheets to the wind
I quit about 3 years ago and it was the best thing I have ever done. I used the gum which I think was the only thing that would have done it. I believe it takes three days for the nicotine to be out of your system and then its just mental. I remember I had to relive all the experiences I had with cigarettes over without them. Good luck too you!
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Dec 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA
So @ItsBarbarino what's the score? You officially three weeks in the clear?!
I suppose at this point you're over the hump...
Hope all is going well bud!
Hey Clint, thanks for checking in!

This week was absolute shit for me. The kind of week that you seldom have that makes you feel like giving everyone the bird, packing your shit in a Uhaul, and starting a new life somewhere else. Okay, so I'm being dramatic...

I haven't smoked. Become more reliant on snus, which isn't what I wanted, but I'll take it for right now. This week I bought a pack, put one in my mouth, then through it out and tossed the pack. I knew it wouldn't solve my problems, but fortunately I was able to realize it wouldn't make me feel any better.

Tomorrow will be 4 weeks. It's been a very stressful 4 weeks, and I still think about it a lot, but I am grateful that I've made it this far. I appreciate everyone's support and encouragement! It means a lot. Here's to the celebration:
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Dec 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA
I should add... It's amazing how much more I'm tasting in cigars now. Before it was very general flavors; creamy, earthy, chocolatey. I'm not tasting things like an "aficionado" would, but it's insane how much stronger these things are now.

I also got a WICKED buzz from a San Cristobal Revelation yesterday. Been a while since that happened.
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Jun 6, 2014
West Deptford, NJ
Awesome to hear. Have you felt better physically? I know when I quit the difference in my lung function and cardiovascular stamina within the first few months was staggering. My endurance skyrocketed. Curious to know if you've experienced the same.
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
Never really smoked cigs but so I cannot relate but......I'm rooting for ya! I tried getting my brother down this path but his will power is greatly lacking unlike yours. I think he traded away the cigars I was sending him in the Navy, he does still have the humidor I sent him though.