This is happening... Any thoughts on what this will do to the Liga Privada brand, etc.? Anyone know how the DE structure will change? IMO, it's not good for us.. Curious what others think about the buyout.
No links out there that I can find either, but I heard this from a reliable source in the industry. From what I was told, it's a done deal. Caught a lot of folks by surprise, much like the Torano buyout by General. Regardless of what the media is or isn't reporting yet, this is what I learned from someone I trust.Link? I have been unable to locate any news of this on the Google machine.
Definitely agree. I'm curious to see how this will impact the construction of DE premium sticks, since Swisher is spending buckets of money on automating all of their manufacturing process now. I have a bad feeling about it, but you never know... it could be a good thing if quality over quantity stays the priority.If it is true, it would make sense from a consolidation standpoint. Swisher has experience dealing with the FDA which is looks like Drew will need for Acid, and Drew would give Swisher some much needed "premium" cigar brands. Look at Royal Gold and how well Nirvana did vs their other two releases.
Exactly. That was Torano and Leccia's concern. The rumors of course are that the industry will be lucky to get "option 2" at this point. So who knows... I sell insurance for a living, and after PPACA we saw HUGE consolidation in TPA's, brokers, and insurance carriers. I would imagine the government's involvement in the cigar industry will do the the thought is these consoliation/buyouts are getting done outta fear from upcoming FDA regs ?
+1I am fast to put this off but also curious. I know some shit has been changed a lot in DE lately but I still have a very hard time seeing this.
These stories can be about as reliable as I know a guy that knows a guy that gives me fake Cubans. We will all see I suppose.Wow really? Torano gets bought so now we need to spin up the rumor mill and start churning some bs out for all to see? Howbout waiting to post some inflammatory "I heard it from a guy stories" like this until there's some kind of official confirmation.
They aren't fake, I'm telling you, the guy I know, his cousin's uncle of the other side of the family once saw Castro, so it has to be real.These stories can be about as reliable as I know a guy that knows a guy that gives me fake Cubans. We will all see I suppose.Wow really? Torano gets bought so now we need to spin up the rumor mill and start churning some bs out for all to see? Howbout waiting to post some inflammatory "I heard it from a guy stories" like this until there's some kind of official confirmation.
Omg! I almost just spit my pop out of my nose. Those Liga Swisher tats would be boss.Yes, we'll know soon enough. This wasn't heard from a guy who heard from a guy. Only reason I'm not giving up my source is to protect a good person. Believe it or don't, makes no difference to me. I'm most interested in this community's insights. What better place to have this discussion than good 'ol BOTL? But....when the first official announcement comes out, you heard it here first! :ccool:
I tell you this though...first guy to get a Swisher tattoo is going to hear me laughing all the way from Willinois!