Do your costs ever appear to have glitter on them? Not the bands, but the wrappers. The past couple I've smoked had a bit of fine sparkle
The first desktop humidor I tried to set up years ago got moldy. Definitely different. I would love to think it's plume, but some of these stocks are only a year old.That would be called plume. Outside shot its mold, but sounds like plume.
I've seen this in the ash a lot on the TN WaltzUnbanded is correct. Pretty sure it's not plume since that takes a few years to develop.
I saw this on several Tats last year. I also heard that the new Tennessee waltzes are sporting some glitter as well which makes sense since they are also coming from the My Father factory.
What cigar are you seeing this on Ramza?
These are ze best! Pretty to look at too.Leaf grown in mineral-rich soils can leave a metallic glitter. I see it in some Tats.
hahahah yeah, that must be it. Strippers and voodoo magic.Maybe Pete uses strippers for quality control?
Husband - "I swear, the goddamn ash kept falling in my lap!"It would also make it easier to explain to the Wife that the glitter on my crotch came from a cigar.