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Losing luggage


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
So in light of yesterday's events I checked a bag on way home and it didn't make it to Detroit...

Anyone ever have bags run behind our get lost? What's likelihood they find it?

Make me feel better because there's $700 of opus in there!!!
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Sep 25, 2014
Damnnnnn that sucks, and I think that's an inderstatement. I hope they find it man, it's happened to me but it just got there a couple days later and in went back and they had it. But that was in tucson a small airport...


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
Two stories of optimism thus far!!! It's only been about 12 hours and I have a luggage tag with my name and address on it so it should be an easy one.

Just hope luggage isn't like socks...
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Jan 28, 2012
Merriam, KS
Had mine lost at Tucson also. Delivered it about 2am to my hotel room.

Now the bad, my wife travels a lot and Toronto lost hers for a week. Eventually got it but had to buy all new cloths for her meetings. They delivered it to our home in KC after she got back.
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Nov 18, 2013
Naperville, IL USA
The short version of a pretty funny story is that, a few years ago, I flew from Chicago to Seattle on Southwest, then boarded Frontier Airlines to make the hop from Seattle to Vancouver. Southwest missed getting my bag on board in Chicago so it wasn't with me when I arrived in Canada. However, later that night, Frontier Airlines had picked up the bag in Seattle from Southwest (it came out on the next flight), flew it to Vancouver, and dropped it off at my parents' house. (the funny part of the story was omitted for brevity's sake).
Anyway, even though I used two airlines and traveled in two countries, my lost bag was still found and delivered promptly.


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
usually depends on whether traveling domestically... or internationally.. and if internationally.. is it to a developed country.. or somewhere a little more austere...

in the US, sadly I have had bags get lost A LOT... typically they show up within 24 hours with no damage or problems.. Ive never had a bag not get recovered from a domestic flight.. but I bet I've had 30-40 occurrences where I was trying to figure out what to do for underwear for the next day (I've learned to pack at least 1 full change of clothes and all toiletries in a carry on) and not have the bag show up for a full 24 hours..

Internationally is a completely different story.. I've had bags go missing a whole lot less frequently.. but the success rate of recovering them.. or getting them back in a timely manner is much lower..

It took me almost 7 months to get a back back from a trip to Tanzania a few years back.. It took me getting an attorney involved to get KLM to do anything other than just leave me hung out to dry... After they realized it was going to cost them about $5K and a whole lot of ass pain if they didnt do something RIGHT NOW.. they amazingly found my bag and got it to me in about a week.. (bag tore up a good bit.. but contents all in decent shape.. )

Ive had bags completely destroyed on a couple of occasions as well.. they go "missing" and then show up 3-5 days later ripped up, half the contents ruined, etc.. this is usually when traveling to non tourist type destinations where ground crews and baggage claim leave a bit to be desired.. (baggage handlers in Africa and the Middle East arent exactly known for giving much of a shit about how they handle your suitcases)..

When traveling to developed countries or tourist type destinations the delay can sometimes be a little longer than a domestic flight in terms of how quickly youre going to get your bag delivered to you (24-72 hours has been my experience).. but.. Ive not had one get truly "lost" before or come back to me with excessive damage..

Im guessing if you flying in the US.. you have already been notified by the airline that your bag has been found, and told when it is due to arrive at your local airport by the time I finished typing this post..

Normally the airlines will bring the bag to wherever you tell them to (hotel, home, office, etc..).. you wont even have to go back to the airport..

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
They lost one of my bags from Chicago to Ft. Lauderdale very recently. The bag ended up being delivered to my hotel the same night I flew in.
Same thing happened to me in Vegas a few years back, several people on the plane didn't get their luggage and they just delivered it to the hotel later that day. Smaller airports I have seen take a few days, but usually make their way there.
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May 4, 2013
Scottsdale, AZ
When I used to travel for work, I had my bags lost on a number of different occasions. They always found there way back to me; although, occasionally it was 1-2 days after I returned. Vegas has a uber high-end baggage tracking system, but who knows what happens after it gets to that vacation destination we all call Detroit.


Actual Size
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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
There is a place, about two hours west of Atlanta GA. This is the place where all lost luggage goes. There, they open everything up and sell it.

Unfortunately, that's after about 6 months. So, if you don't have your crap in 6 months, that's where it's at...


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
usually depends on whether traveling domestically... or internationally.. and if internationally.. is it to a developed country.. or somewhere a little more austere...

in the US, sadly I have had bags get lost A LOT... typically they show up within 24 hours with no damage or problems.. Ive never had a bag not get recovered from a domestic flight.. but I bet I've had 30-40 occurrences where I was trying to figure out what to do for underwear for the next day (I've learned to pack at least 1 full change of clothes and all toiletries in a carry on) and not have the bag show up for a full 24 hours..

Internationally is a completely different story.. I've had bags go missing a whole lot less frequently.. but the success rate of recovering them.. or getting them back in a timely manner is much lower..

It took me almost 7 months to get a back back from a trip to Tanzania a few years back.. It took me getting an attorney involved to get KLM to do anything other than just leave me hung out to dry... After they realized it was going to cost them about $5K and a whole lot of ass pain if they didnt do something RIGHT NOW.. they amazingly found my bag and got it to me in about a week.. (bag tore up a good bit.. but contents all in decent shape.. )

Ive had bags completely destroyed on a couple of occasions as well.. they go "missing" and then show up 3-5 days later ripped up, half the contents ruined, etc.. this is usually when traveling to non tourist type destinations where ground crews and baggage claim leave a bit to be desired.. (baggage handlers in Africa and the Middle East arent exactly known for giving much of a shit about how they handle your suitcases)..

When traveling to developed countries or tourist type destinations the delay can sometimes be a little longer than a domestic flight in terms of how quickly youre going to get your bag delivered to you (24-72 hours has been my experience).. but.. Ive not had one get truly "lost" before or come back to me with excessive damage..

Im guessing if you flying in the US.. you have already been notified by the airline that your bag has been found, and told when it is due to arrive at your local airport by the time I finished typing this post..

Normally the airlines will bring the bag to wherever you tell them to (hotel, home, office, etc..).. you wont even have to go back to the airport..
Nothing yet. The belief from last night and thus morning was it was stick in Chicago and they were backed up with a ton of luggage already so just waiting


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
I've had my luggage lost at least half a dozen times and each time it got back to me but it can be a PIA esp. if you are needing items from it. I now keep items that I really need with me at all times and don't check them through...I carry them on and esp. items that are expensive. This is an idea for everybody to ensure when you check your bags through to have a bag tag that is legible with large letters so the people who handle your bags are able to read it and it's a good idea to tip the baggage handlers well if you ever want to see your bags again...if you don't tip them at the front of the airport they could end up in Portugal somewhere.


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
I've had my luggage lost at least half a dozen times and each time it got back to me but it can be a PIA esp. if you are needing items from it. I now keep items that I really need with me at all times and don't check them through...I carry them on and esp. items that are expensive. This is an idea for everybody to ensure when you check your bags through to have a bag tag that is legible with large letters so the people who handle your bags are able to read it and it's a good idea to tip the baggage handlers well if you ever want to see your bags again...if you don't tip them at the front of the airport they could end up in Portugal somewhere.
The item I missed most was my winter jacket in there once i landed in Detroit. The half mile walk to car in sub 10 degrees was a real joy...
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Sep 9, 2014
North Haven, CT
I travel pretty much every week and check a bag about 1/3 of the time, so I've probably checked a bag 300 times in my career. Probably lost luggage 10 times and every time I got it back with 24 hours. I wouldn't worry too much about getting the bag back.

Now the $700 worth of Opi....depends on whether the baggage guy was a cigar smoker :)


BoM Sept '14 & BoY 2014
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Jun 16, 2013
Sterling Hts, MI
I travel pretty much every week and check a bag about 1/3 of the time, so I've probably checked a bag 300 times in my career. Probably lost luggage 10 times and every time I got it back with 24 hours. I wouldn't worry too much about getting the bag back.

Now the $700 worth of Opi....depends on whether the baggage guy was a cigar smoker :)