Some great advice to think abOut.
Ccs are still illegal in the US. That may change in the near future, but we are all waiting. If you do have access to them, then you are lucky. But as a rule, we don't talk in hypetheticals about them or post about them( ;-). Per the rules of the board, discussion of sources is prohibited. If you bomb someone, they may only respond by saying something similar to " got a nice assortment of cigars from such and Such. Payback coming forthwith." I venture to say no pics will be posted.
Respect is critical. We may not all agree, but on this board respect is key. If you have an issue with someone, take it to pm, lest you may risk getting a time out or banned. This is a friendly environment and often times people like to joke. But remember, this is a written text forum. We cannot see the emotion behind the words so it might get assumed that someone may have an issue with someone and a sh*t storm might occur.