First of all, this a great thread. Hoshy, it sounds like your friend is doing better and that is good news.
I have always been the type of person to "compartmentalize" things. I don't really talk about my feelings or what's on my mind. This is my coping mechanism and I've always been that way. The problem with this is that there are only so many compartments you can store anger, grief, guilt, sadness, and worry. Eventually things come to a head and the results can vary.
Last week I took the first step in getting some things in my head sorted out and made an appointment with a therapist. Today was my first meeting with her and I think this will be good for me. I'm only telling you this because I know what it's like to be angry, depressed, wrestling with guilt, and feeling completely hopeless. I've tried to overcome these feelings with booze and drugs and denial. It doesn't work.
Please know if you are going through tough times being stubborn isn't a solution. Reach out. Whether it's to one of us or a family member or a friend. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. Thank you guys for being who all of you are. Many of you helped me take my mind off of things in Chat when I was down range. This helped more than any of you know.
Stay strong Brothers. Every day above ground is a good day and we are all blessed in one way or an other.