Two tins of 2007 GL Pease Westminster from PipeStud. They are both bulging at the top and bottom.
Oak golf tee tampers.

Oak golf tee tampers.

Not like the other tins. They work ok for temp storage but don't use to age.@cgarunke is to blame for this Pipe & Leaf purchase! Do these Sutliff tins hold moisture? Looks like they are made from cardboard.
Yeah, me too. Now I have to go through my cellar to find the old Hearth & Home tins...probably all dried out.Ugh, looks like I need to start opening and jarring some of these tins.
I read somewhere (I think on that the cardboard "tins" are lined and are actually decent for aging tobaccos. I'll see if I can find the article. Still, maybe I'll open one, jar it, and then take a pic of the inside of the tin@K Williams let us know how they look when you open one. This could either be a sigh of relief or a wake up call for others of us who never gave it a second thought!
It really is. Fortunately, almost all of my "tins" like this I received during the winter when the humidity was much lower. Now I know what I'm doing this evening…Wow, that was an interesting read
Bingo.And as I sit outside having a cigar and a glass of bourbon, I'm thinking more about this. There is absolutely no harm if I jar Any of the tobaccos that come in those cardboard cans. But there's potentially problems if I don't.
So, from now on, I am just going to automatically put anything from those cardboard tins into jars.