From which has all-around excellent advice if you're having trouble designing a good war base, or getting 3-stars on your clan war attacks.
I would add to this: make sure you also have a L3 drag in your cc to attack with, if the opponent is TH8 or higher. Drop it along with the bulk of your drags so it goes straight for those ADs.
Mixing air/ground troops (except the Barb King, which is free) is usually bad, since it allows your opponent to use all his defenses. Sticking to ground troops takes his balloon bombs and ADs out of the fight entirely. Sticking with all air takes out his canons and mortars and giant bombs. For me it has always been better to throw another drag in the cc than to try to take out an AD with a few hogs (unless the hogs are *guaranteed* to hit the AD first, with no possibility of giant bombs, spring traps or teslas getting them).
From which has all-around excellent advice if you're having trouble designing a good war base, or getting 3-stars on your clan war attacks.
"Placement of Dragons is very important when attacking TH8 players (as opposed to TH7 where it is practically impossible to mess up). First, choose the side of the base you want to attack. it is best to start your attack within range of the most Air Defense towers or near the highest-level tower. Initially, drop two Dragons, about two structures apart on the perimeter of the base where you want to attack. These Dragons likely will not actually participate in the main attack, and instead will travel along the perimeter of the base, picking off external structures. This is intended, as you do not want the bulk of the Dragons to travel along the outside of the base but instead head towards the center. The Barbarian King can aid in this function as well.
As soon as the two initial Dragons take out a few perimeter buildings, drop your remaining 8 Dragons. They should now head towards the center of the base with all the perimeter structures destroyed. Drop a Rage Spell somewhat deep into the center of the enemy’s base; this will speed up the Dragon’s clearing into the enemy’s base and should result in the destruction of at least one Air Defense tower. As the Dragons core towards the Town Hall or a cluster of high health buildings (storages), drop your second Rage Spell. Drop the Healing Spell as needed on low-health Dragons – this will vary on a battle-by-battle basis. Check the video guide for more details on healing spell placement."
As soon as the two initial Dragons take out a few perimeter buildings, drop your remaining 8 Dragons. They should now head towards the center of the base with all the perimeter structures destroyed. Drop a Rage Spell somewhat deep into the center of the enemy’s base; this will speed up the Dragon’s clearing into the enemy’s base and should result in the destruction of at least one Air Defense tower. As the Dragons core towards the Town Hall or a cluster of high health buildings (storages), drop your second Rage Spell. Drop the Healing Spell as needed on low-health Dragons – this will vary on a battle-by-battle basis. Check the video guide for more details on healing spell placement."
I would add to this: make sure you also have a L3 drag in your cc to attack with, if the opponent is TH8 or higher. Drop it along with the bulk of your drags so it goes straight for those ADs.
Mixing air/ground troops (except the Barb King, which is free) is usually bad, since it allows your opponent to use all his defenses. Sticking to ground troops takes his balloon bombs and ADs out of the fight entirely. Sticking with all air takes out his canons and mortars and giant bombs. For me it has always been better to throw another drag in the cc than to try to take out an AD with a few hogs (unless the hogs are *guaranteed* to hit the AD first, with no possibility of giant bombs, spring traps or teslas getting them).
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