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Aug 27, 2013
The City of Angels

From clashofclansguidehq.com which has all-around excellent advice if you're having trouble designing a good war base, or getting 3-stars on your clan war attacks.


"Placement of Dragons is very important when attacking TH8 players (as opposed to TH7 where it is practically impossible to mess up). First, choose the side of the base you want to attack. it is best to start your attack within range of the most Air Defense towers or near the highest-level tower. Initially, drop two Dragons, about two structures apart on the perimeter of the base where you want to attack. These Dragons likely will not actually participate in the main attack, and instead will travel along the perimeter of the base, picking off external structures. This is intended, as you do not want the bulk of the Dragons to travel along the outside of the base but instead head towards the center. The Barbarian King can aid in this function as well.

As soon as the two initial Dragons take out a few perimeter buildings, drop your remaining 8 Dragons. They should now head towards the center of the base with all the perimeter structures destroyed. Drop a Rage Spell somewhat deep into the center of the enemy’s base; this will speed up the Dragon’s clearing into the enemy’s base and should result in the destruction of at least one Air Defense tower. As the Dragons core towards the Town Hall or a cluster of high health buildings (storages), drop your second Rage Spell. Drop the Healing Spell as needed on low-health Dragons – this will vary on a battle-by-battle basis. Check the video guide for more details on healing spell placement."​

I would add to this: make sure you also have a L3 drag in your cc to attack with, if the opponent is TH8 or higher. Drop it along with the bulk of your drags so it goes straight for those ADs.

Mixing air/ground troops (except the Barb King, which is free) is usually bad, since it allows your opponent to use all his defenses. Sticking to ground troops takes his balloon bombs and ADs out of the fight entirely. Sticking with all air takes out his canons and mortars and giant bombs. For me it has always been better to throw another drag in the cc than to try to take out an AD with a few hogs (unless the hogs are *guaranteed* to hit the AD first, with no possibility of giant bombs, spring traps or teslas getting them).
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Aug 27, 2013
The City of Angels
Regarding who to attack, by and large people are still attacking too high in wars.

If you're our #4, please do not try to take down their #4. You will get 1 or 2 stars at best. We should be trying to 3-star everyone. This means pick the highest number on their team that is one TH level down from you, and hit that guy first. Generally that is going to mean you're going to be around 3-5 numbers lower than your number. If you're our #4, you ought to be looking at their #7-9 or thereabouts.

The main reason why high players attacking high players results in lower stars is the clan castle troops. Low level players get to attack and defend with donated troops that are much higher than they can make themselves. So the lower guys can succeed against their "mirror" number (i.e. 12 on 12, 13 on 13) who are going to have much shoddier walls and towers to defend with. But high level players can only exchange essentially the same level troops with the others at the highest levels. And so do their war enemies; therefore high level guys attacking other high-level guys usually get a low number of stars or lose outright.

To win, we need to be sure to get 3 stars on all the bases from the 2nd third down. In the current war, that means base #6-15. We can deal with getting only 1-2 stars on their 1-5 guys.

This puts pressure on our middle numbers 6-10 to attack smart and not waste attacks on players with the same TH level as you. Hit the weaker guy, and get 3-stars. If you found it to be very easy (i.e. you had a lot of troops survive at the end) and we need a higher number 3-starred, go for the next one up. Otherwise, go for the next one down.

General rules of attacking:
1. If you can draw out their cc, do so and kill them *all* before proceeding with the attack. You will need troops specifically for this. Lots of us (I have done it more than once) are losing our main attack force by failing to kill all the cc troops, then attacking, and getting mauled by the biggest cc troops which come out last (typically wizards). Before you attack, you can view previous attacks to see exactly what is in their CC. If there is no previous attack, you can find out if the CC is full and how many units are in there. This should give you a good idea, when you see them come out, if you have drawn them ALL out or not. You really only get one shot at it. Be prepared.
2. If you attack by air only, you need not worry about their cc so much. A 10-dragon attack just requires correct dragon placement (see above) to win at TH6-8.
3. Combining air and land forces in your attack is probably a bad idea. There is a reason why GoWiPe is all land and LavaLoon is all air, and 10 Dragons is all air, and these are among the most popular attack types: they do not let *all* the enemy's defenses engage. If you go all air, their mines, spring traps, cannons and mortars are useless. If you go all land, their Air Defense, Sweepers and air bombs are useless. Attacks are all about massing forces so that defenses can only hit a few of your units at a time -- that is why removing splash-damage defenses is critical -- so if you let all their defense types hit you at once, you are making a mistake. Exceptions made for healers, which only support ground troops, and Kings and Queens, which you will want to throw into the fight anyway since they won't count against your troops total. The upshot is: if you have an air attack, don't throw in those hogs to try to take out ADs (use balloons or bolts instead). If you have a ground attack, putting one or two dragons in there is going to hurt you because they will take up all that room that could be spent on more giants or wizards or whatever your main force is composed of; you'll notice that most of the time, a thrown-in drag or two just dies from Air Defense soon after they're placed.
4. Do not rush your town hall upgrade. It makes your base more vulnerable in wars, since you will be counted as your new TH level when we go looking for equally-matched opponents. The app will see you as TH 8 even though you JUST hit TH8 and failed to max out your defenses beforehand. Better to have 5 fully maxxed TH6 bases than 5 TH7 bases with shoddy Air Defenses that can be 3-starred by any dragon attack. Max out everything before moving up.

With the level of experience we have, we should be winning as often as not, and I think with a bit more practice, we will.
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Aug 27, 2013
The City of Angels
As to base design -- AD placement is critical.
1. Always have them maxxed before moving to the next TH level.
2. Do not cluster them -- spread them out so that in a dragon attack, a single rage spell doesn't help them get more than 1 of them.
3. Place them INTERNAL in your base -- not at the edges where they can be attacked right away with dragons, or with hogs or other land units that are only there to eliminate the ADs.
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The Munt

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Mar 29, 2015
Karalee, QLD, Australia
Ahh so your vintage COC!

I put mine down for a good while too, they had everything up to witches when i put it down.
No clan wars though, then all of a sudden when I picked it back up, there were all these tactics and I was what's called "rushed" lol

The Munt

Observe everything. Listen intently.
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Mar 29, 2015
Karalee, QLD, Australia
Cheers bro, glad I joined your a good bunch of lads.
Really still playing catch up though from sky rocketing to level 9 TH back in the day.
Level does not match base upgrades! How's our l'atelier travailleurs coming ? :happy: