Electric Sheep
Dsicle - BoM Dec 06
I agree 100%...it's the large quantity now that makes my spidey-sense tingle.However, Lews articles did make me question the apparently large quantity of quality tobacco available now when some of the more well known sticks at the time apparently suffered for lack of stock to maintain their previous quality.
But I still believe that SOME tobacco slipped through the cracks here and there. Not any substantial amount, mind you, but a bale or two here, a bale or two there. Forgotten stuff, mislabeled stuff...you know, all the crap that happens in the 3rd word that those of us here in the 1st world have trouble even imagining.
Overall, I agree with Lew...it's his sweeping generalizations and blanket statements I disagree with.
Well, unless he's omnipotent. :angel: