Hang in there guys.
Hey! Allan! Howdy! I about did a double take when I saw your post. Good to see you around. Hope all's well with you as well. I guess you know better than most Todd's situation.
Hang in there guys.
AND....the blizzards are really a 10 year cycle kind of thing. Very nice most of the time...really!!!!:yes: Look it up!!!!!:dance:Here we go again!!!!! Mom will sh*t! Oh Well, you guys have the abilty and drive to do what ever you want. We'll always be here for you!!!! Don't rule out Colorado Springs!!!! Nice place to live. And the snow is usually the powdery kind.
Hey! I am only 29! :rofl:Right on! We've got Norad and Schriever and some other stuff too I think...
Sorry to hear about the layoffs, Todd... Especially since it was both of you. I can't really give you any advice, seeing as how I've never even had a permanent job and am like half your age :tongueout, but I'm sure everything will work out for you guys.
Now that funny.:hysterica :hysterica :hystericaHey! I am only 29! :rofl: