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Value appreciation of non-Cuban cigars

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Jul 28, 2015
anderson indiana
It depends on what you are buying. Like some say as much as some crazy guy will pay just look at dress boxes and other things that are limited black honey liga A's opus blue bands. Rarely are they ever worth the trumped up price. Old liga are another one. Or original release stuff.
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Nov 27, 2017
California is terrible to Cigar Smokers. They have a TAX of like 73% STICK TAX on the Wholesale. So a $20.00 Stick retail, that wholesales for $10.00 has $7.30 State Tabacco Tax. So now your price is $27.30 Retail.

Than you add 10% - 15% local (city), county, and last state Sales Tax.

Friend who smoke Garcia Garcia and lives in CA, come to AZ every other month. Buy his stick for about $38.00/ Stick in California the price is $54.00/ Stick.
The Australian tax rate on tobacco is outrageous. I’ve heard several stories of Australians who have had Americans buy Cubans from a vendor in Australia, and then had it shipped back to them in Australia to avoid the taxes.
sounds to me like California and Australia both hate freedom...
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Aug 1, 2017
sounds to me like California and Australia both hate freedom...

California has money problems, and is run by people who don't undstand dollars & sense. My neighbor is retired CHiP's his pension is 92% of his highest pay. He best buddy is retired Riverside Co. SO another 92%er.

Someone has to fund those pensions.