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How are you filling your time?

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Mar 17, 2018
I had been out the last 3 weeks with covid19, but just got a call this morning, my company is letting me go because there is no work. Which really isn't a surprise, we haven't had work since this all started anyway, (the company was only going to pay me to sit home for so long anyway) so it was just a matter of time.
On the plus side, I'm stocked up on TP and cigars, have a decent amount of baccy and some booze.
Ordered from WLT, so I'm going to practice rolling cigars when my order gets here.
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Apr 25, 2020
I'm livin the life on the Rez! I am a school teacher in Dupree, SD, on the Cheyenne River Sioux reservation. (currently closed) We haven't been in school for 5-6 weeks, but did a lot of online work with kids. This week was to be the last week of homework for students, then one Semester Final due May 12th. So the last week or so hasn't been real busy school wise. The Rez went into lock down last Friday and not you're not supposed to leave without completed paperwork. if you are caught breaking these set rules, you can be arrested and fined $1000, and/or put into quarantine for 14 days.

Not sure when school will start. Normally we start around Aug. 18th, but this coming year it might be after Labor Day, or the latest they are talking about is in October! So i am preparing to learn a new hobby - Home Cigar Rolling. lol


The battle's fought, the deed is done
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Jun 26, 2019
Deep in the woods, Middle Georgia
an address and a wait? That would be my best guess anyways... Several brothers sent me the bands, and I got MAYBE $1/EA in other supplies ... Haven't really considered selling them yet.

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk
Thanks, just curious. Either way, they look bitchin'!


I don't smoke cigars often... HaHa just kidding :)
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Dec 12, 2019
Lake Mary, FL
Just made reservations to go out to eat on Monday, consequently my birthday. Florida is allowing restaurants to run at 25% capacity starting Monday. It will be my 1st time out to eat since early March.


Cigar noob
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Jul 18, 2020
I am self employed so there is always work related tasks that I can invest time in. When I am not working, I tend to either be enjoying music or doing research. I love to learn new things so I am constantly investing time in this area, its a life long habit that I enjoy very much.

The covid based restrictions have not affected me in any negative ways as I enjoy the solitude. If anything I am happier as a result of not being forced to socialise anywhere near as much.

Keeping busy is my key to keeping healthy while in lock down.