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Covid 19


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
I can't listen to the National News at all (n) , Same old info and mostly BS, same old file tapes, its the worse its ever been every day ...... I do the local news , If I hear something on the news I'll try to check it out to see if what they say is valid , I would rather have a Root Canal than hear Thumpers briefing :vomit:....... My way of dealing with it , the lil lady and I have hunkered down, stay away from people , NO unnecessary trips to town, Bloody Mary and a cigar about Noon thirty or 1:00 , and 2 more sticks and a couple of drinks after dinner.......


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
We are over 200 cases here in my county now. (21k pop.) Highest per capita in Texas still.
The National Guard is now in Dumas helping with the testing. 90% of those cases are related to the meat packing plant in Cactus. They work elbow to elbow in there around the clock. Prime place for it to spread quickly.
On a side note, they mandated that anyone caught out in public without a mask is subject to a $1k fine in this county. That didnt last three days before they walked it back to "if the stores want you to wear one, you have to wear one" after Govenor Abbott made a statement in a press conference about the order being unconstitutional. I agree. You can't buy masks anywhere, and the county is not handing them out, so the conundrum is BS.
Don't get me wrong, I wear a mask in any store I go in, but that order is a knee-jerk reaction to the problem, IMO, and typical government over reach.
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I am no rocket surgeon
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May 7, 2014
Montreal, Qc, CANADA
We don't have any instructions about masks here. And really if you don't have the illness you don't need one.

Plus, nurses actually learn to properly put on and take off their gloves and mask to eliminate possible infection. If not done properly, the mask has no purpose or may even cause more issues.

Most stores here enforce sanitizer use in and out, and have added plexiglass panels to protect employees.

The deconfinement procedure will begin in 3 weeks here, I hope it's not too soon and we won't have a second stronger wave.
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Jun 6, 2014
Joplin, MO
In my city of 50K, we haven't had any new cases of Wuhan Red Death in the last 2 weeks. We had 7 cases total and all have fully recovered. Time to get back to work around here. Taking temp when getting to work and wearing a mask seems reasonable for a while.
I have been mostly staying home, spend nice days outdoors and sanitize before and after, and I wear a mask while shopping.
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Jan 30, 2017
In all do respect I'm not comfortable with saying "if you don't have the illness you don't need one" N95 masks go a long way to preventing inhaling the respired droplets that can carry the virus.

I'll agree that if you have the virus a simple cotton mask will help prevent you spreading it by catching the majority of what you exhale but may do little to protect you if you are toe to toe with an infected person.

We just purchased cotton masks as a supplement to our N95s. They will be more comfortable to wear and at least somewhat effective if we practice social distancing. In crowds we will wear the n95s, in locations where we can maintain separation I think the cotton masks will suffice.

Problem is that strong, young, healthy people can be symptom free and still be infectious. My wife wants to invite her family over for a couple of days, only problem I have with that idea is that they are very sociable people and spend a lot of time visiting friends that may or may not be as conscientious as the rest of us.

I think we should all plan on being inconvenienced until a reliable vaccine is available.


I am no rocket surgeon
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May 7, 2014
Montreal, Qc, CANADA
In all do respect I'm not comfortable with saying "if you don't have the illness you don't need one" N95 masks go a long way to preventing inhaling the respired droplets that can carry the virus. .
You are right. But if you don't wear the mask correctly, or if you take it off in an inappropriate manner, then all those droplets you try to avoid will still be in contact with you.

What I am saying is that most people blindly wear masks and feal safe when they are still at risk because they spread the surface of the mask on themselves.

If you have an appropriate seal and don't touch the surface of your mask when taking it off (it takes practice) and clean the mask and your hands correctly, it greatly improves your protection.

But I've seen people lower the mask on their chin to talk, then exposing the innards to unprotected skin, and then put it back over their mouth to inhale what's in the mask.

I also seen people put on and take off masks multiple times without cleaning them.
And I've seen people touching the mask with their hands and then putting the same hands inside the mask and on their skin, thus exposing both the mask and their skin to potential droplets that the mask was supposed to protect the wearer against.

So... Mileage will vary. The mask is not a magical solution.
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Jan 30, 2017
@herfdog Great reminder on the proper use of a mask and its limitations. They are just part of a solution, not THE solution.


I am no rocket surgeon
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May 7, 2014
Montreal, Qc, CANADA
@Boudie same with gloves. There's tons of gloves being thrown away (most of the time in inappropriate places) where clearly the wearer did not take it off in an appropriate manner, thus exposing themselves to whatever got in contact with the gloves.

That said, I will soon too have to practice these, as the deconfinement should begin on may 11 for businesses here. When we go back, there will be limited numbers of people at any one time un buildings and areas, and protective gear will be mandatory.
I suck at taking gloves off :( I'll try my best to remain home and telecommute in my laptop.
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Jun 6, 2014
Joplin, MO
I think in some ways we are fooling ourselves if we think social distancing, wearing masks and gloves are going to stop the Wuhan Red Death from eventually spreading to everyone.

I am much more concerned at this point about the massive debt and the shutting down of our economy. The tentacles of desperation and poverty will likely result in much more death than WRD would have. Suicide, depression, drug abuse, alcoholism and hopelessness are very real and at this point should be a major concern. There are a lot of unstable people out there battling their demons and are fighting emotionally to hang on.

We know MUCH more now than what was projected a few months ago. Old People with comorbidities are at the highest risk, I fall into this group. If and when I get WRD I will either survive it or I won't. But I would much rather take those chances than watch our great nation voluntarily close down and affect the lives of our young people and children for many years to come. With all war there is going to be collateral damage, let's not freak out and bring the whole destruction of our great nation down on our heads over a fucking virus. There are a lot of bad actors out there that would love to see that happen and I don't want my grandchildren to become involuntary organ donors for the Communist Chinese govt. Don't laugh or doubt they do this daily to their enemies.

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Jan 30, 2017
I think you can expect to have this kind of inconvenience until a reliable vaccine is available. As far as businesses, unless you own a McDonalds, Popeyes, liquor store or maybe a pizza delivery shop you'll continue to have problems for a while. If you remove every middle table in a restaurant you're removing any profit in the restaurant. .
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Oct 31, 2009
Stop watching the doom porn months ago. We pretty much know which States will do what. I'm hoping the 2nd wave narrative doesn't take hold. We know which libtards are spreading disinformation.
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