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Covid 19


I don't smoke cigars often... HaHa just kidding :)
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Dec 12, 2019
Lake Mary, FL
I just checked the math in my state Florida, out of 20710 confirmed cases 8.4% of those over 65 resulted in death. .6% of those under 65 resulted in death (this doesn't take in consideration other health issues just age). Also important to note over 75% of the confirmed are under 65. I really wouldn't have complained if the quarantine was based on risk but I am upset that it isn't.

Maybe the problem with this is that all the people over 65 have to be out there performing the "essential work" smh
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Jun 6, 2014
Joplin, MO
This is why we didn't have PPE.

While covering up what was happening, China began hoarding PPE before it became a world pandemic and not allowing 3M to export their PPE out of China.
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
This is why we didn't have PPE.

While covering up what was happening, China began hoarding PPE before it became a world pandemic and not allowing 3M to export their PPE out of China.
And as many of my friends are on the frontlines, in the hospital and the field it infuriates me. Plus, re-using the masks for at least a week until today when the governor signed a bill that mandates employers to give employees 1 mask per day.
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Sep 13, 2014
Welcome to the new reality. Everybody in masks like China. Like, from now on.
Personally, if they're going to start the labor force back up, I'm all for it.
.To clarify, guys..
No totally all for " going back to work" with cases currently still rising here, and a new death on the stats.
Referring to being all for everybody wearing masks if we are forced back to work.
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Jan 30, 2017
I wore a mask for two hours the other day while visiting Lowes and Sam's. I learned two things, my breath stinks and that the N95 masks are super uncomfortable when worn for long periods of time. I think going back to work will be a combination of social distancing, isolation, proper hygiene and the requirement to wear a N95 if social distancing isn't possible.
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
And on she climbs...
We have a meat packing plant in the northern part of the county in a town called Cactus. 90% of these cases are from there. View attachment 148267
Hate to be “that guy” but from experience in this wonderful state (sarcasm) we had to hit a peak/apex of confirmed cases and deaths before we dropped. It’s horrible for me to say it that way. We hit it this past week as things have slowed down a little at work, they shut down a makeshift covid unit and started slowly returning equipment and other areas back to where they originated.


<b>Charity Liaison</b><br>BoM September 07
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Dec 18, 2005
Aiken SC
I wore a mask for two hours the other day while visiting Lowes and Sam's. I learned two things, my breath stinks and that the N95 masks are super uncomfortable when worn for long periods of time. I think going back to work will be a combination of social distancing, isolation, proper hygiene and the requirement to wear a N95 if social distancing isn't possible.
Well we r wearing masks also , momma had to a NASCAR one


"That guy"
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Oct 9, 2018
Delaware, AR
The county I work in, 33 cases, the counties I live and shop in, 2 each. My place of work, 3 cases, that all hit within a couple days of each other almost 3 weeks ago. Tomorrow, we begin mandatory masks for all!!!

Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
I live in a county of 51,000 people. As of today there are 61 confirmed cases with 10 deaths. 8 of those deaths have so far been confirmed as coming from one nursing home. I'm guessing the other two were as well. Two of the people that died had previously tested negative and then were retested after death to determine that they did have "the Rona".

This is very concerning to me because there is obviously some serious issues with testing. Not enough are being performed and the ones they are using are apparently not accurate. if we are going to return to normal at some point, we are going to need substantially more (and accurate) tests. Period. A certain leader in Washington said that anyone who wants a test can get one. Apparently that only applied to rich people, political leaders and sports figures? in my mind this lie is no different than "If you like your current health plan, you can keep it"(at 6x the cost) or "I did not have sex with that woman". Now apparently it's up to the states? The leadership in Washington has failed IMO and will no longer be receiving my vote in November.
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Jan 30, 2017
Went to the liquor store today and the checkout girl and manager where wearing masks, my wife and I and 4 of the 20 plus customers where wearing masks. What pissed me off is even though I had a n95 mask I had to walk away from the bottles I was looking at several times because unmasked customers stepped up right next to me to look at the same bottles. NO concept of social distancing. If this doesn't change I don't think we can ever go back to work.
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Oct 21, 2016
Chi-kah-go (not Chi-caw-go)
Went to the liquor store today and the checkout girl and manager where wearing masks, my wife and I and 4 of the 20 plus customers where wearing masks. What pissed me off is even though I had a n95 mask I had to walk away from the bottles I was looking at several times because unmasked customers stepped up right next to me to look at the same bottles. NO concept of social distancing. If this doesn't change I don't think we can ever go back to work.
That's the thing trust bugs me. Yeah, most people who get this thing aren't going to suffer, and therefore have the attitude that they shouldn't abide by what's said to be best for everyone. But that's not going to help ease restrictions, or reopen businesses (I'd LOVE to have a job again), out bring sports and concerts back etc. We've been on lockdown for a month now, and just had a record number of new cases (1800+) just the other day.
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
Went to the liquor store today and the checkout girl and manager where wearing masks, my wife and I and 4 of the 20 plus customers where wearing masks. What pissed me off is even though I had a n95 mask I had to walk away from the bottles I was looking at several times because unmasked customers stepped up right next to me to look at the same bottles. NO concept of social distancing. If this doesn't change I don't think we can ever go back to work.
Had a women do that to me in the supermarket the other day, but she was wearing a mask. Totally just pushed herself in front of me for a bag of tomatoes. Couldn’t say excuse me and give me the 2 seconds to move 6ft away!? It pissed me off to no end. I’m still mad.
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Feb 4, 2015
Had a women do that to me in the supermarket the other day, but she was wearing a mask. Totally just pushed herself in front of me for a bag of tomatoes. Couldn’t say excuse me and give me the 2 seconds to move 6ft away!? It pissed me off to no end. I’m still mad.
Did you try coughing on her? One of the upsides of this pandemic, is that it’s never been easier to make people go away