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Covid 19


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
Seems like were at the peak here in NY. The past week or so— complete warzone. And we will probably plateau for a few days before the big drop (hopefully). Good thing is though speaking with some co workers they said things seem to be slightly calmer.
Hope the worst is over for you, Chris. You still a first responder? That'd be scary in these times.
I'm still hiding out after work in the hot tub. HaHa!
PS: Little birdie told me someone bombed the crap out of you recently. Wasn't involved, but I find it hilarious
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Feb 8, 2015
Long Island, New York, USA
Hope the worst is over for you, Chris. You still a first responder? That'd be scary in these times.
I'm still hiding out after work in the hot tub. HaHa!
Unforunately, had to give it up. Changes in hours and position at work then picking up a per diem 2nd job really put the knife in me. It’ll always have a special place in my heart but I just couldn’t commit the time anymore. I miss it from time to time but don’t miss the bull!!!


Fuente Fanboy
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Feb 1, 2015
Sunray, Texas
Unforunately, had to give it up. Changes in hours and position at work then picking up a per diem 2nd job really put the knife in me. It’ll always have a special place in my heart but I just couldn’t commit the time anymore. I miss it from time to time but don’t miss the bull!!!
Even though I'm not a New Yorker, I thank you for your service, past, present, and future
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Jan 30, 2017
The mayor of New Orleans is in final discussions to cancel all events and festivals scheduled in the City of New Orleans for the remainder of this year. No Essence Fest, Jazz Fest, French Quarter Fest. Nothing said about Conventions or Football games but you have to assume they are included. They are expecting a dip in new cases over the summer but a resurgence of the Virus in the Fall.
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Sep 13, 2014
Welcome to the new reality. Everybody in masks like China. Like, from now on.
Personally, if they're going to start the labor force back up, I'm all for it.
2 new cases, my county. The bug is still on the move, over here.
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Sep 28, 2017
It can be as little as a cough or an elivated temprature to being as much as the common cold and in worst cases it can mimic influenza. Iowa has close to 2000 cases so far "reported" 45% have recovered and everyone who has passed has been over 61 years of age or older and in weak health. This is nothing more terrifying than the flu we deal with each and every year. I dont see the country shutting down because 65,000 people and counting has died from the flue since October 2019. This virus has been around a long long time. Most of us take dayquil, nyquil and asprin ect. and go to work same as any other day. How many times have you been sick and just never went to the doctor and self medicated? Or, Have you ever had a fever and not know it? Face it. Its BS.
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Nov 2, 2019
I don’t know anyone who’s died from the common flu EVER. I know 2 people who have died in the past month from Covid-19, and between my 3 sisters an brother we know 11. So shove your Rush Limbaugh BS...
I can assure you as a healthcare provider that thousands of people die from the flu each and every year. This is just an ignorant post.

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Sep 28, 2017
Died of covid 19 or died from complications due to underlining heath issues made worse by covid 19? Sorry for your loss. And i dont wath any news. Dont forget to sanitize bro.
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Oct 21, 2016
Chi-kah-go (not Chi-caw-go)
It can be as little as a cough or an elivated temprature to being as much as the common cold and in worst cases it can mimic influenza. Iowa has close to 2000 cases so far "reported" 45% have recovered and everyone who has passed has been over 61 years of age or older and in weak health. This is nothing more terrifying than the flu we deal with each and every year. I dont see the country shutting down because 65,000 people and counting has died from the flue since October 2019. This virus has been around a long long time. Most of us take dayquil, nyquil and asprin ect. and go to work same as any other day. How many times have you been sick and just never went to the doctor and self medicated? Or, Have you ever had a fever and not know it? Face it. Its BS.
You guys, I think he's right. The governments of the world have agreed, under partnership with the major toilet paper manufacturers, to fake the "pandemic." A little fake news, a little hysteria, tell everyone to stay home, and suddenly TP replaces gold as the currency standard. Who cares about the economic fallout, the unemployment, the tremendous burden of debt that virtually all countries will be faced with as a result of all this? It's totally worth it for a prank on mankind and TP profits! Amiright?
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Jan 30, 2017
As always great post VeLoRok.

I'm reminded that those people with the funny letters after their names (PhD, RN,EMT) are making such great sacrifices to solve this problem. It's hard to believe they are leaving their families and getting sick just to be part of a bad prank.

Last I remember there was a vaccine and treatment protocols for the flu. Covid, not so much.

As far as "Thinning the Herd" anyone that does watch the news realizes that many of us fall into the high risk category. I.E. over 60 and/or with underlying conditions like cancer, heart disease, compromised respiratory systems, and diabetes. I'm disappointed that anyone would take such a callous view of our lives and the contributions we have made and continue to make to the country and world you live in.


I don't smoke cigars often... HaHa just kidding :)
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Dec 12, 2019
Lake Mary, FL
It can be as little as a cough or an elivated temprature to being as much as the common cold and in worst cases it can mimic influenza. Iowa has close to 2000 cases so far "reported" 45% have recovered and everyone who has passed has been over 61 years of age or older and in weak health. This is nothing more terrifying than the flu we deal with each and every year. I dont see the country shutting down because 65,000 people and counting has died from the flue since October 2019. This virus has been around a long long time. Most of us take dayquil, nyquil and asprin ect. and go to work same as any other day. How many times have you been sick and just never went to the doctor and self medicated? Or, Have you ever had a fever and not know it? Face it. Its BS.
While I definitely share your sentiment mostly because I'm in a low risk group, the facts are that COVID is killing people (mostly over 65 with underlying conditions as you said) in much greater #'s and and a much quicker pace than influenza (here's a snapshot showing them in comparison). While overall Influenza is a bigger killer (killing 300,000 - 650,000) annually per year and about 24,000 - 60,000 in the US every year. The % of people killed by it is much smaller than COVID. Also Influenza is not under a microscope by the press and people that died in their home are not tested to inflate the #'s.

I'd much rather see a lockdown that was restricted to high risk groups, allowing younger people to continue working and keeping businesses afloat. Instead I see old people working in grocery stores, hardware stores, gas stations. My 77 yr old dad goes to work at lowes every day coming home to my 77 yr old mom (who's on oxygen). Meanwhile my low risk self is confined to being at home.

The media handling of this situation in which they almost never provide context has been absurd, the involvement of political battles determining behavior is unbelievable. Does a lockdown in which all the people that are normally scattered all over at different places in different times being forced to all be at the same places at the same time (grocery, hardware, walmart, gas stations, etc) Really improve things. Most important if we survive the virus but return to a world with a smashed economy and everyone out of work, out of money possibly watching our governments collapse due to lack of incoming tax revenue, on top of massive expenditures trying to stimulate some sort of spending in the masses. What kind of saved life are we all going to go back to?

I suppose there aren't any right answers, every response to this will have dire consequences and we won't know the full results for years to come. I'm pissed off, I'm frustrated, and overall I'm one of the lucky ones as both my wife and I still have our jobs (albeit work from home) Neither of us knows a single person even diagnosed with this virus let alone died from it. So I definitely hear your frustration. All we can do is sit back and watch this unravel and hope for the best.

PS: I'd avoid all news other than headlines pertaining to the government guidelines, go directly to the sites like john hopkins and watch the #'s and trends (from global to state/county) instead of watching the media hyperfocus on stats out of context, find your local state info for more relevant info. Currently my county has under 300 cases for 550,000 people which is quite minor compared to most larger city's.

For some context here's a cool site called worldometer The folowing stats are global not USA

At time of viewing Deaths this year are over 17,000,000
Deaths by infections disease (influenza covid, and all other viruses) over 3,781,000
Deaths by covid this year just over 138,000
Deaths from influenza this year just over 141,000 so COVID is about to jump this.

Some perspective for everyone that has died of COVID
3.5 times as many people have died form HIV this year 489,000
17 times as many people have died from cancer this year 2,392,000
Over 5 times as many people have died from alcohol related deaths this year (and that's an essential service :)) 728,000
2.4 times as many people have committed suicide this year 312,000

This minute is brought to you by googling
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I am no rocket surgeon
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May 7, 2014
Montreal, Qc, CANADA
The issue isn't with the number of death, but the speed of infection.

If we let the infection go up naturally, the health system just cannot cope with the sheer number of urgency being brought in.

In Italy they were considering just not treating anyone above 80 "wartime selection" style simply because hospitalisation was so high their resources could not follow.

Think of this. If you or your parent or grandparent is sick, but refused at the hospital because of insufficient number of doctors so they select 20-40 yrs old sick people in priority... How does that make you feel?

The problem is not the virus but how it spread. In the end, most of us will get it, and "only 99% of us will survive"

Here in Québec in a private hospice, about 30 elderly people died in a single month. Lots because of covid. Some not. But many without the most basic care being that staff was overwhelmed. It is disgusting that we can't care for those who busted their life to build current society. I hope I never get to see anything close to this shit.
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Oct 31, 2009
This is why quarantining people over 65 and those with secondary conditions would have made better sense. Everyone else should have been wearing mouth protection and washing their hands properly. We are now running the risk of a second wave and a mutated variant of the virus.

I'm looking forward to those who are responsible for all this to be held criminally and civilly liable.
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I am no rocket surgeon
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May 7, 2014
Montreal, Qc, CANADA
This is why quarantining people over 65 and those with secondary conditions would have made better sense. Everyone else should have been wearing mouth protection and washing their hands properly. We are now running the risk of a second wave and a mutant variant of the virus.
I must say I do not know why the authorities decided général lockdown instead of targeted quarantine.
Maybe it isn't feasible?

I wonder if they just follow the "virus pandemic outbreak" protocol or if they actually reflected on this.

I know in Québec the target was to flatten the curve, and up to consideration for upcoming times is elderly to remain quarantined longer while society slowly start back.

When the PM stated scenarios for back to school included as early as early may, tons of people complained "it's too early" and "this will put kids at risk"...

No matter what is done somebody will complain.