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Jan 30, 2017
I'll tell ya, I don't think us old guys will be leaving this world better then how we found it. Television humor has regressed to grammer school level.


The battle's fought, the deed is done
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Jun 26, 2019
Deep in the woods, Middle Georgia
I'll tell ya, I don't think us old guys will be leaving this world better then how we found it. Television humor has regressed to grammer school level.
People in high positions have followed this trend.
Are all the high school valedictorians working at McDonalds or...?????
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Jan 30, 2017
I think a lot of young people have followed the advice of some pundits

"If you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life".

Got a 24 yr old college graduate nephew working the drive thru at Chic-Fil-A and living with mom and dad ...offered and doesn't want management training

They are remodeling the chicken joint and will be closed for three months. The business said that employees will be paid normal wages while closed if they come back to work when they reopen. His plans are to play video games for three months.

If you don't get off you backside and hustle a bit nothing will change.
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Sep 1, 2018
A friend of mines kid is 22ish. Still lives at home has no permanent job, doesn't go to school, stays at home all day smokes pot and plays video games.
His mother has offered to buy him a condo, but he doesn't want to move out of the house.
She tried to give him a car but he doesn't want to drive.
I actually feel sorry for him for being such a loser.
I was so eager to move out and be on my own when I was a kid, I truly can't relate.

The family has money, but they aren't doing him a favor by letting him do this IMHO..
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Oct 31, 2009
A friend of mines kid is 22ish. Still lives at home has no permanent job, doesn't go to school, stays at home all day smokes pot and plays video games.
His mother has offered to buy him a condo, but he doesn't want to move out of the house.
She tried to give him a car but he doesn't want to drive.
I actually feel sorry for him for being such a loser.
I was so eager to move out and be on my own when I was a kid, I truly can't relate.

The family has money, but they aren't doing him a favor by letting him do this IMHO..

I agree. She should just drug him at dinner one day and move out and let him truly discover life.
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Jan 30, 2017
Did you tie knots in all your electric cords so lightning wouldn't hurt your TVs and appliances?
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Aug 11, 2011
Modesto, CA
Got a 24 yr old college graduate nephew working the drive thru at Chic-Fil-A...
A friend of mines kid is 22ish. Still lives at home has no permanent job, doesn't go to school, stays at home all day smokes pot and plays video games...
Unfortunately neither of these stories particularly surprises me. I am in my 25th year of education (I am a high school counselor), and things have changed so much. I attribute a lot of this to parents and entitlement. It is to the point now where if a kid has a question about a grade, the parent emails me about it. I tell them no... their child need to ask the teacher directly and advocate for themselves. I'm also the guy that only talks to the student in parent-student meetings and if the parent tries to answer I stop them and have the kid talk to me... They want to do everything for their kids without them having to pay their dues or make any mistakes to learn from.

I have a cousin who is like this - my uncle and aunt have bailed her out financially numeous times and just bought her a house... and she is over 40. wtf... I should call them mom and dad for a while...
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Mar 8, 2022
A friend of mines kid is 22ish. Still lives at home has no permanent job, doesn't go to school, stays at home all day smokes pot and plays video games.
His mother has offered to buy him a condo, but he doesn't want to move out of the house.
She tried to give him a car but he doesn't want to drive.
I actually feel sorry for him for being such a loser.
I was so eager to move out and be on my own when I was a kid, I truly can't relate.

The family has money, but they aren't doing him a favor by letting him do this IMHO..
There shouldn't be an offer. I told my kid, at 18 you're either in school or working. Once you finish school, you work and pitch in on food and utilities.

I know things are different than they use to be. Housing inflation is stupid around here, and jobs aren't keeping pace with the wages. But, you aren't going to mooch off of me. I'll do what I can to help, but no effort on your part means no help on my part.

There are 22 year old guys out here making $25 - $30 an hour as pipe fitters. But, too many people have been convinced the game is so rigged they shouldn't try. They checked out because all they hear is how horrible the world is.
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Jan 30, 2017
I didn't pay for cell phones, cable, internet, restaurants, $8 coffee $10 lunch and all that stuff when I moved out the house. I had a beater for an automobile. Liability only no comp, no health Insurance $4 haircuts the list goes on. I was willing to do without a lot of stuff to have my own place.

I'm guessing a large percentage of the "unaffordability" of moving out on your own is stuff we didn't have to have (and pay for) when we where kids.