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Mr. Salomones
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Feb 24, 2005
Sometimes I think it was our fault, we worked are ass off to make better life's live in a nice area and have nice things. Our kids have grown up just to expect to have everything just handed to them! I have one kid that moved out and started her life working her ass off to fallow her dream of playing in a top orchestra. And I have another that moved in with her boyfriend that keeps her wrapped around his finger. She wanted to buy a used car and she wanted to look at BMWs :rolleyes: I told her come out of the clouds and start looking for a reliable $5000 car that we will split to cost on!
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Sep 1, 2018
I didn't pay for cell phones, cable, internet, restaurants, $8 coffee $10 lunch and all that stuff when I moved out the house. I had a beater for an automobile. Liability only no comp, no health Insurance $4 haircuts the list goes on. I was willing to do without a lot of stuff to have my own place.

I'm guessing a large percentage of the "unaffordability" of moving out on your own is stuff we didn't have to have (and pay for) when we where kids.
I agree 100%. The world has become a way more expensive place to live in.
The general demeanor of the kid I mentioned above seems to be is not try at all and inherit a means to get by in life.
I guess the main problem I have is that he's a dick to his mom, while taking advantage.
And yes, it's certainly a monster she created.

Maybe I'm just jealous; I was out doing yardwork for cash when I was 12.
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Aug 11, 2011
Modesto, CA
There shouldn't be an offer. I told my kid, at 18 you're either in school or working. Once you finish school, you work and pitch in on food and utilities.

I know things are different than they use to be. Housing inflation is stupid around here, and jobs aren't keeping pace with the wages. But, you aren't going to mooch off of me. I'll do what I can to help, but no effort on your part means no help on my part.

There are 22 year old guys out here making $25 - $30 an hour as pipe fitters. But, too many people have been convinced the game is so rigged they shouldn't try. They checked out because all they hear is how horrible the world is.
My son is 13 now, but that is what I am thinking too... if you are in school full time and working, I'm all for helping out where I can. But if either of those to pieces are not in place on his part, my piece will not be in place.

And hell, here in CA fast food workers at McDonalds and bigger chains like that (over 60 locations I think) are paid starting at $20 per a new state law that just started. What could possibly go wrong? Well, except for a ridiculously priced #2 with large fries....
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Mar 8, 2022
Why does the USPS just refuse to not absolutely suck ass?

I ordered a Mother's Day gift over a week ago. It was shipped priority mail to make sure it got here. USPS literally shipped it as far away as they could without leaving the continental US . Then they shipped it back to the original Mail Distribution Center. From there it got to my state. It has went back and forth between my post office and the distribution center twice.

Finally it was supposed to be here today. Nope. It went back to the distribution center at 1045 this morning. This is a consistent issue with mail getting here. I had stopped ordering anything besides cigars online because of the problem.

I ordered a shirt from a band and when it got to the distribution center for my area, they sent it to another part of the state and then it got left on the truck when they sent it back to my distribution center. So, it went back across the state.

The only thing they can deliver without fucking up is junk mail.