Oh man it was pretty gross. But it was something they all did when they dropped thier first deer. We strung it up and began field dressing it. I was handed a small tin cup full of warm blood and also took a bite of it's heart. I'll see if i can find the picture of me with my deer and blood all over my face. The legend behind it came from the American Indians. When they would kill a deer, they would set its spirit free by drinking it's blood and eating it's heart while it was still warm. It was deffinetly gross warm and salty, but I still look back at that as the day I crossed over into manhood. I was 11 at the time and took down an 8 point buck at about 60 yards with a .306. II've taken several larger deer since, but that first one is still my favorite.Haha dude I was just joking! Drinking deer's blood is gross! Ewwwwwwww!
Has anyone else gone through this ritual?