Just like any other cigar smoker, I've always wanted my own man cave - a replica of your local cigar lounge. I've come to the realization that I am not a man that needs his garage for tools, cars, general storage, ect - I'd much rather convert it into a man cave.
A few leather club chairs, a nice TV, mini fridge, tons of posters, pictures, vintage cigar paraphernalia, somehow put all of my empty cigar boxes on display, and so forth.
Ventilation wise, what do you all think would work best? My garage is 20x20. As of right now, its bare studs - no drywall has ever been hung. Now would be the time to add some form of air circulation -
Input, thoughts, ideas?
A few leather club chairs, a nice TV, mini fridge, tons of posters, pictures, vintage cigar paraphernalia, somehow put all of my empty cigar boxes on display, and so forth.
Ventilation wise, what do you all think would work best? My garage is 20x20. As of right now, its bare studs - no drywall has ever been hung. Now would be the time to add some form of air circulation -
Input, thoughts, ideas?