Point blank range and the guy double faults!I am a little astonished that he got the chance to throw the second shoe. Where the hell is the secret service?
Every single word could not have been said better.Really a sad, sad day. To think we are so hated that an ass-wipe reporter throws a shoe at the President of the United States. The local news coverage (I'm in Philly today) is very constrained, if an American threw a shoe at the towel head leader the whole region would have a demonstration with AKs fired in the air and they would behead 10 of us in retaliation. Never thought I'd say it, we need to leave that shit hole and then make it a smokin hole.
regardless if we approve or disapprove of ANY Pres of the US, he deserves our respect. We can disagree with his policies, but he is still OUR President. Any COCKSUCKER from overseas who disrespects our President in any way should get an asskicking. I hope that reporter or whatever he was dies a nice, slow, miserable death. As US citizens, we can talk politics and disagree, but screw these foriegners who bash our president.If you can dodge a shoe, you can dodge a ball.
I think the SS wanted to see Bush get hit with the second shoe as much as the rest of us (except for the 30% who approve of him) so they sat back and enjoyed their front row seats to the main event.
i will probably disagree with most things that Obama does. like today during a press conference he was very wishy washy on the question if he will approve offshore drilling. I just want to hear...YES.denied!
i totally agree with you! i did not support Obama. He will be our president! i will support our president! period!!
didn't even have to move, ya drunk bastage!!I threw my shoe at Wintosh once....
Respect is earned, not given. Bush had my respect until he lied to the American public and cheated us out of billions of dollars...just for starters.regardless if we approve or disapprove of ANY Pres of the US, he deserves our respect. We can disagree with his policies, but he is still OUR President. Any COCKSUCKER from overseas who disrespects our President in any way should get an asskicking. I hope that reporter or whatever he was dies a nice, slow, miserable death. As US citizens, we can talk politics and disagree, but screw these foriegners who bash our president.
We are the best country in the World. WE are the most generous. We are #1, screw the rest of them.
I would like to apply for Secretery of State.
Respect for the office and for the country my young friend. I dont care who the man is but by this act they are disrepecting my country.Respect is earned, not given. Bush had my respect until he lied to the American public and cheated us out of billions of dollars...just for starters.