i answered with
1) Fill the 3 gal, dump it into 5 gal. Fill 3 gal again, dump into 5 gal, leaving one gallon in the 3 gal container. Dump the 5 gallon bucket, pour the 1 gallon in the 3 gal bucket into the 5 gal bucket. Fill 3 gal bucket again...4 gallons.
2) Why do you want to buy an electric can opener?
3) I'll put my work ethic up against anyones. I'll work faster, I'll work harder, I'll work longer. No one will work has hard as I do.
Those were my answers.
He emailed back saying OK, 11 am interview? and btw, there is another way to answer question 1 that involves one less step, can you think of it?
I emailed back the other way...fill the 5 gal 1st, dump into 3 gal, dump 3 gal out, pour in 2 gal from 5 gal, fill 5 gal again, fill 3 gal up, leaving 4 gal in 5 gal bucket.
The job was described as a proejct manager and commercial sales for roofing, siding and window projects for a large local company.
question #2 is designed to look for a basic sales principle. Someone says they want product X but you sell product Y. YOu need to know why they think they want product X so that you can invalidate their reasoning, thus making your proudct Y superior. "Why do you want an electric can opener?" establishes a baseline, or starting point, for biginning the pitch for an electric can opener.
someone with sales experience or a business degree could probably explain the principle a little more clearly and concise, but i believe my explanation is correct, despite being crudely explained.
#3 was ansswered in the same short format he emailed me...short and to the point, but spoken loud and clear...I'll work my ass of for you!!!