Congrats!!!Thanks all!!
Well Im taking a bit of a different step than most. Im going to a community college in Mammoth Lakes, CA. there are less than 200 students at the school.
My reasoning for doing it is because I love fishing, Mammoth has world class trout fishing. I love hunting and there is great hunting. I love snowboarding and there is world class snowboarding. Just great all around outdoor life.
Also I've lived in a stupid little bubble in south orange county all my life and I really can't handle it anymore so i decided that whats better than moving to my favorite place!
But get real my friend. CC in Mammoth...joke at best unless you will be be a world class guide. Head up to Wyoming or Montana. You graduated in Laguna Beach, CA. An area with high net worth individual dependents. I'm sure most of your buddies are heading to real schools. Go to a real school and get a real degree. Am I busting your balls? Yes I am. It took me 10 years to get my degree. Ski racing, helicopter skiing, hiking, rock climbing, booze, golf, a stripper 1st wife, more women, the Army, and everything in between. Go to a real school and buckle up young man.