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Wal-Mart The High cost of Low Price

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Jun 23, 2009
Plainville, MA
Me and the misses just watched this movie and were horirfied. We aren't big Wal-Mart shoppers to begin with but Now I think we won't be going at all. I mainly went for target.45 ammo. They used to have 100ct boxes for $25 and now I know why. If you have not seen this documentary I highly recommend giving it a watch. Let me know what you think. I say ban Wal-mart, but thats just my opinion.:banned:


Some random brother
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Aug 2, 2009
Ban Wal*Mart? And what would you suggest in its place. We, the American people created the continuation of the quest for the lowest price. I have not seen the full movie but have seen several trailers. It looks like the typical Michael Moore style journalistic hyperbole nonsense against any large corporation. Sure there are problems but how many people have a job because of this place. It's just like anything else, you don't like their practices, don't shop there or don't work there.


Veteran Eccentric
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Jul 14, 2009
Salem, Or
Ban Wal*Mart? And what would you suggest in its place. We, the American people created the continuation of the quest for the lowest price. I have not seen the full movie but have seen several trailers. It looks like the typical Michael Moore style journalistic hyperbole nonsense against any large corporation. Sure there are problems but how many people have a job because of this place. It's just like anything else, you don't like their practices, don't shop there or don't work there.
i beleive that was precisely what he was suggesting.

and there USED to be more than enough grocery stores to support the employees that now work at walmart, where do you think those workers came from in the first place?

and oh yeah. f michael moore.


King Dude
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Apr 28, 2009
Olivehurst, CA
I shop and Walmart and will continue to shop there. After the government takes all my money in taxes I need to do with my money what I can and they are downright cheap. If you don't like it don't shop there. Walmart offers lots of jobs but people like to hate on big coporations. They also give a lot to charitable foundations. I have a super walmart by me and I can buy anything there from groceries to ammo. I don't see paying more then I should for what I buy.

And Micheal Moore is a douchebag
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Jan 1, 2005
In a State of Confusion
Don't beleive everything you see on TV, that doc is made by a Wal-Mart hater (probably made with Union $$) and it shows. When you are the biggest and best others that can not compete will try anything to beat you down, twisting facts to get a desired outcome.

I shop there, my wife works there and in a few years I'll be spending a very nice Wal-mart funded retirement plan. If you choose not to shop a Wally world that is your right but don't feed me that BS cause I ain't buyin'.
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Jul 13, 2009
Lawrenceville Ga
Wal-Mart is cool. Nowadays they don't really have the lowest prices like they used to. People are just trained to think that you will always get a good deal at Wal-Mart. You still have to shop around for good deals. My biggest issue with them is that hardly anything there is made in America. What happened to our pride? I have nothing against China or any other country, for that matter, but they are taking over retail America. The sad part is that we as Americans don't seem to care. My country has become a land of greed and selfishness. Nobody seems to care about our fellow Americans and how they fair. Quit crying about taxes. Taxes are the price we pay to live here! Love it or leave it! Our taxes are low compared to other countries that get WAY less than we do. M. Moore may stretch the truth a little or a lot but I think he is just trying to get people (Americans) to wake up! C'mon yall its time to take the red pill!


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Sep 30, 2009
Southwest Michigan
Man I just go to walmart to see the people...It's like going to the zoo only free and you can get as close as you want if you dare..LOL:drool:
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I only buy ammo there because it's cheap but would otherwise like to avoid the rest of the madness. Plus I find my groceries to actually be cheaper at a regional chain supermarket called Wegmans (not sure how far their territory expands).
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Jan 1, 2005
In a State of Confusion
My biggest issue with them is that hardly anything there is made in America. What happened to our pride? I have nothing against China or any other country, for that matter, but they are taking over retail America. The sad part is that we as Americans don't seem to care. My country has become a land of greed and selfishness. Nobody seems to care about our fellow Americans and how they fair. M. Moore may stretch the truth a little or a lot but I think he is just trying to get people (Americans) to wake up! C'mon yall its time to take the red pill!
Wal-Mart isn't the cause of Americans buying not-made-in-America, go to Target, K-Mart or any other retailer and you get the same crap.

M Moore may stretch the truth is like saying John Holmes may have had a big..........:nono:

We are the ME generation!!
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Jun 23, 2009
Plainville, MA
As far as I know M. Moore had nothing to do with this Documentary. Maybe it was put out by an pro union company but if the facts are nearly true then Wal-Mart does nothing for its employees and charities. Like I said this is just my opinion from a lone republican in MA.


Some random brother
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Aug 2, 2009
As far as I know M. Moore had nothing to do with this Documentary. Maybe it was put out by an pro union company but if the facts are nearly true then Wal-Mart does nothing for its employees and charities. Like I said this is just my opinion from a lone republican in MA.

Hey, I'm with you Andy. Just we really got to weigh both sides as documentaries are no longer about presenting facts and the truth, they seem more today about presenting an agenda.
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Jul 13, 2009
Lawrenceville Ga
Wal-Mart isn't the cause of Americans buying not-made-in-America, go to Target, K-Mart or any other retailer and you get the same crap.
I agree. However if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

[/QUOTE] M Moore may stretch the truth is like saying John Holmes may have had a big..........:nono:[/QUOTE]
M Moore may stretch it but I dont think he has to streach too much.

[/QUOTE]We are the ME generation!! [/QUOTE]
So sad but so true...
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I think it is the American's desire to not pay more for something over time that has gotten us to where we are now. We want more pay and more benefits but no additional cost to the goods produced by the people getting the increased pay and benefits. So instead of pay and benefits people get laid off and the factory moves overseas to manufacturer their goods with lower labor costs.

I do my best to buy stuff at least made on the North American continent. It's real hard to limit yourself to just US made.
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Jul 13, 2009
Lawrenceville Ga
I think it is the American's desire to not pay more for something over time that has gotten us to where we are now. We want more pay and more benefits but no additional cost to the goods produced by the people getting the increased pay and benefits. So instead of pay and benefits people get laid off and the factory moves overseas to manufacturer their goods with lower labor costs.
Bro, you hit the nail right on the head! I feel that over the last 20 - 30 years or so we were forced into this. Americans pay has remained sorta stagnant while the cost of living has sky rocketed. The "middle class" is the back bone of our country. However, we are being forced into poverty.


BoM Feb 2010
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Jul 1, 2008
Nazareth, PA
I only buy ammo there because it's cheap but would otherwise like to avoid the rest of the madness. Plus I find my groceries to actually be cheaper at a regional chain supermarket called Wegmans (not sure how far their territory expands).

I avoid Wallmart unless absolutely neccessary.

They are the epitome of corporate communism.