Walmart is not the only evil bigbox store.
I find that most (but not necessarily all) of the problems I have with WAL-MART are found at most other big box stores. By the nature of their business model, they
all sell mass-market items at low prices. I personally don't buy many mass-market consumer items since the things I'm into are kinda "fringe" interests, so I tend to avoid big box stores in general.
I do gotta admit tho that WAL-MART is the worst, simply because it is the only big box store where I've seen the following items on the ground:
(A) Vommit, and lots of it
(B) poo-filled baby diapers
(C) chunky crusted feminine pad
(D) pool of urine (perhaps from a dog, I admit)
Seriously, I've seen all those at WAL-MART. :timebomb: