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Should a LE ever be made standard production?

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Sep 29, 2009
New York
So, there's two concerns here. There's the cigar's monetary value, and it's sentimental value. This is bad for the cigar's monetary value. It takes a high value cigar and makes it almost indistinguishable from new, relatively lower value cigars. Even if you're not in this to make a profit, it still hurts the trade value of a stick you might have wanted to swap for something else.
Sentimental value, I think is largely unchanged. When you're with a good friend or two and you bust that cigar out you can still say "These are original release CH Maduro #-3i, before they went into regular production. It took me three months to track down, I've been saving them for years. Let's burn 'em and see if they're any good." I don't think the symbol loses any value at all.

If they can keep the quality up, and ramp up production of a popular HTF cigar, why not? It gives more people (us all, included) access to new, interesting cigars. In the worst case something in your humidor loses sale/trade value. If it happens, you can still light 'em up.

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Dec 1, 2009
The Ashton ER's were slated to become a full line becuase people were going nuts over them back when they were released, but collectors who bought the Prometheaus humidor threatened a lawsuit because it would take away from the collectible value of the humidor/cigars...


"The Target"
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Mar 17, 2009
The first thing that came to my mind was... "sweet... I get some opus sharks"
But then I was like... hmmm... that's not as good as having one of the few Opus Sharks that are out there that are really hard to find... Like the one you showed me... now it is not as rare as before, and anyone can get their hands on them.
It's wrong, but from a marketing point... they make money.
I think they should release other things (not as rare) in high numbers, and leave the rare be rare.
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Feb 3, 2008
I think it is a tough call. I think when you have created such good blends it is hard not to recreate it again and if they didn’t they would be doing a dis-service to all of us. I know with the ECCJ they were truly limited as well as the Tat Franks. I true fully believe both owners really though these would be a one time shot but once they hit the market they really had no choice being they were so good. After I smoked my 1st ECCJ I wrote and email to Dion telling him I hope he didn’t give up his rights to the blend being it was so darn good. True fully I wish Pete would have made the Boris as a everyday line being I find it a very enjoyable smoke. If you think about it both recreated the cigar but in different sizes than the original size. If they did the same cigar in the same size and shape then I could see a problem.


"The Target"
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Mar 17, 2009
I largly agre about the access to good cigars and good tobbacco is a good thing. But that isn't what I'm talking about, Fuente has a lot of great Opus and some HTF's that are special blends. But will an Opus shark really taste diffirent than a Super B or No.2? Same blend, same wrapper, almost the same size. But, the Shark used to have a mystique about it, smoking one was smoking something very special.

I for one, believes that smoking a cigar is as much about who you smoke it with and why, as it is about the cigar. I mark the special occasons and friendships of my life with special cigars and that is the main reason I've filled my humidor with HTF's. When we had our HERF here I gave away 90 year old clear havana's. Good cigars, but not on par with many of todays finest, or even very good. But, a very special night. I took great pride in being able to hand a brohter a BBMF because he'd always wanted one and had not been able to get one.

So, not to rag on Fuente, but I think HTF's have a value of more than just their tobacco, and would be sad if many of the special cigars I'm holding onto for special occasions, suddenly were released in the same band, same size, same blend and were suddenly not so special.

My .02
That is also a big part of it. The feeling is gone... an opus shark... not a lot of people had ever even seen one.... now a store down the street has 20... The BBMF, a great cigar that came with great company. 2+ hours talking and having a good time...I can say I don't want to walk into a B&M and ever see a box of those. I want it to be unique....The Opus love story (now love affair) had an awesome story behind it... It was in a box of 5... and when I say I looked high and low for those things... I was kind of happy not having found it... because the chase was still on. Do I still want OR Love Stories? Yep. but I can walk into a shop and see 2 boxes of 20.... it kinda takes away from the chase (something I enjoy, along with other brothers)

We all have different takes on this, and no one is really right or wrong.... Some of us like to smoke and chase down hard to find cigars.... and others like to smoke, and are happy seeing regular production that was once HTF....
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Nov 11, 2009
Point Loma San Diego
I personally feel that no they shouldn't ever be made a standard production. To me a LE Cigar is like a supermodel you are trying to date. It becomes about the hunt and how to track it down and then when she finally says yes it is the greatest feeling ever. But if suddenly there was more supermodels in the world and the hunt was gone so too would be the sweet taste of victory. An odd analogy perhaps but I assume you see my point.
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Sep 24, 2009
Eau Claire, WI
I personally feel that no they shouldn't ever be made a standard production. To me a LE Cigar is like a supermodel you are trying to date. It becomes about the hunt and how to track it down and then when she finally says yes it is the greatest feeling ever. But if suddenly there was more supermodels in the world and the hunt was gone so too would be the sweet taste of victory. An odd analogy perhaps but I assume you see my point.
Uhhhh, dude.... I'd be fine with more supermodels all over the world. :drool:


Craft Beer Addict!
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Oct 14, 2008
There are rumors of the Tat T110 becoming a full line. I'd love that. I buy cigars because I like to smoke them, give them away, and collect them--but not to brag or show off so much. So an LE I love becoming a wider release or even a full line = awesome!

And from a marketing standpoint, starting a stick off as an LE to generate buzz is a brilliant idea.
Wow, that makes me start drooling thinking about a Toro, Double Corona, Churchill or God forbid a T-110 Lancero!
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Feb 19, 2007
Johnsburg, IL
Mitch I agree with you whole heartedly my friend but in my book if you hand a friend an opus in any shape or size it's always special and it's more about the experience with your friend that your cigar because a cigar is always just a cigar.


BOM 2/09-Keeper BOTtLe
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May 8, 2008
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
I personally feel that no they shouldn't ever be made a standard production. To me a LE Cigar is like a supermodel you are trying to date. It becomes about the hunt and how to track it down and then when she finally says yes it is the greatest feeling ever. But if suddenly there was more supermodels in the world and the hunt was gone so too would be the sweet taste of victory. An odd analogy perhaps but I assume you see my point.
Like finding out the Prom Queen you banged is in Hustler now.


Veteran Eccentric
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Jul 14, 2009
Salem, Or
i thought on this one for a bit, here's my best effort at it!

it might just be a marketing ploy, but i was generally under the impression that most LE were limited by tobacco- naturally limiting the numbers because of limits of what's on hand. but if it's a knockout success, can we really blame the cigar makers for maybe setting aside a few more fields next year to keep up with demand? i can't imagine that this generation is one of the easy ones for cigars. and hey, if growers, blenders or rollers want to keep experimenting, and then bring the more successful blends fully into the market, well hey, i think everyone wins.

but- drop the LE band.


BoM December 09
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Oct 7, 2009
Camdenton, Mo
If it is of the same quality then I say make it. I love to smoke a good tasting cigar and hate that I can only get a few. And I hate the mass people that whine and cry cause they did not get a cigar they just have to have. So I say make them a regular production line.
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Oct 25, 2009
Today I heard that Steve Saka may be releasing the Flying Pig annually. From what I was told it is not set in stone yet, but because of the success they have had, they are leaning toward a Christmas release a lot like the anejo's.
I think they are nice smokes and I enjoy them, but I problobly wouldn't have bought so many if they were coming out with more. The other problem I have is the price, for a limited release (1 time thing), I think $11-$12 per stick is justified. As an annual cigar that aren't too hard to come across, I think it definatley takes away from the cigar and makes me question the price.


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Oct 14, 2009
My guess is we will see Padron 45's for a long time.
I hope your guess is right, that is one helluva' stick, IMO. But, fom what I hear; Padron's doing annual releases every year until 50 years in business. So we should be seeing the 46 next year. If they can manage to produce the 45's more often, more power to them! The Padron's are tobacco hoarders after all.