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New Year Resolutions

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Sep 24, 2009
Eau Claire, WI
Curious, who here has New Year resolutions? Any you'd care to share? I have two resolutions: Quit smoking cigarettes and be a better husband and father, now that I'm home. Anyone else? I'm sure I'm not alone in this.


BoM Feb 2010
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Jul 1, 2008
Nazareth, PA
Better diet I guess. I lost 20lbs last year, I'd like to do another 20 this year.

Things I look forward to this year would include: a trip to Austin, Texas sometime this summer & a trip to North Conway, NH.


BoM 9/9' 9/11' 8/12'
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Sep 2, 2008
Yorkville, IL
Save for our new house. Be honest with myself about new cigar purchases and setting budgets. Telling myself there is no reason to keep buying all the LE stuff coming out like the plague. Not so much the working out but not eating all the junk I've been the last couple months.


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Aug 13, 2009
Bonifay Fl.
Last year my New Year’s resolution was to quit smoking cigarettes, I was unsuccessful for four months. Then I started smoking Cigars to quit cigarettes. So every time I just had to smoke, I smoked a cigar.

In the beginning I smoked 12 to 18 cigars a day; I would buy a lot of cigars a month. I now have cut that down to 4 to 5 cigars a day. So my last year’s resolution was in the long run a success.

I have enjoyed cigars so much that it seems my compulsion to try all cigars has almost taken over my life. It seems I can’t pass up a deal on a box of cigars. And I have become a gadget hound as well.

I now have close to if not more than 1500 cigars. I have a cabinet size humidor that is completely full, a 200 capacity humidor completely full, and a 300 capacity humidor that is nearly full. I have three 20 count boxes in shipment to me as I type this. On the 7th I will be watching The NCAA National Championship at PCB Cigars, at Panama City Beach Fl. I plan on buying two 20 count boxes of cigars at that event. With this perches I will receive a two 5 count cigar sampler. I will also get 5 hand roll Torano Tour Event cigars exclusive to this tour, and personally hand rolled by Felipe Sosa a Master Roller. Also a Torano ashtray,

So you guessed it, this year’s resolution. I will resolve to quit buying so many cigars, and accessories. Let’s hope I’m as successful at this New Year’s resolution, as Last year’s.

Oh yeas I have come to the conclusion that if I buy two boxes of cigars a month, I will never run out of cigars for the rest of my life. Oh did you notice I did not resolve to quit smoking cigars.


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Mar 20, 2005
Grit City
I would like to get the Credit card debt down and drop a few LB's.

I think I'll be sucessfull as I now have plenty of cigars in my rotation. But then again you can bever have enough good cigars.:devil: