Last year my New Year’s resolution was to quit smoking cigarettes, I was unsuccessful for four months. Then I started smoking Cigars to quit cigarettes. So every time I just had to smoke, I smoked a cigar.
In the beginning I smoked 12 to 18 cigars a day; I would buy a lot of cigars a month. I now have cut that down to 4 to 5 cigars a day. So my last year’s resolution was in the long run a success.
I have enjoyed cigars so much that it seems my compulsion to try all cigars has almost taken over my life. It seems I can’t pass up a deal on a box of cigars. And I have become a gadget hound as well.
I now have close to if not more than 1500 cigars. I have a cabinet size humidor that is completely full, a 200 capacity humidor completely full, and a 300 capacity humidor that is nearly full. I have three 20 count boxes in shipment to me as I type this. On the 7th I will be watching The NCAA National Championship at PCB Cigars, at Panama City Beach Fl. I plan on buying two 20 count boxes of cigars at that event. With this perches I will receive a two 5 count cigar sampler. I will also get 5 hand roll Torano Tour Event cigars exclusive to this tour, and personally hand rolled by Felipe Sosa a Master Roller. Also a Torano ashtray,
So you guessed it, this year’s resolution. I will resolve to quit buying so many cigars, and accessories. Let’s hope I’m as successful at this New Year’s resolution, as Last year’s.
Oh yeas I have come to the conclusion that if I buy two boxes of cigars a month, I will never run out of cigars for the rest of my life. Oh did you notice I did not resolve to quit smoking cigars.