BoM Oct '07
+1 on the CT grips! Nothing better for these old eyes.Kimber Pro Carry 45 ACP with Crimson Laser grips!!
+1 on the CT grips! Nothing better for these old eyes.Kimber Pro Carry 45 ACP with Crimson Laser grips!!
Yep. Member since 1965.I am!!!
Ya the pee pee part was a joke. I guess I've been MIA long enough that a lot of newer people might not get me weird sense of humor. It's all good, mines made of steel anyway.I hate to say it but if you think there is a chance to "shoot your pee pee of because it doesn't have a safety..... I am not trying to be a smart a$$ or anything, but I don't know if it is the best idea to carry any gun.
With that being said.... when I buy a gun I try to buy it specifically for a reason. concealed if you are looking for a revolver I would recommend a S&W 642. Its a hammerless .38
If you want a semi-auto and size is one of your big concerns. a Walther PPKs.
Another great option if you could find one is the HK P7M8. I love this gun but they are not a current production. BUT wow what a great gun! THis has a safety in the grip.
Safetyless I like the HK p200sk. But you are in the same situation as the glock.
you HAVE been gone for a long time! steel?:rolling:Ya the pee pee part was a joke. I guess I've been MIA long enough that a lot of newer people might not get me weird sense of humor. It's all good, mines made of steel anyway.
Carry two pieces - shoulder holster Beretta PX4 with 17 rnd mag & one in the pipe - carried a Glock 17 for yonks in the same rig and know what you mean about trigger safety willies - bought a special insert for the trigger that kept it safe and pushed outta the way when needed - trouble was finding that little piece on the ground after smoking a mob of Red-Roos - ha! - and back in the flying day carried the issued 1911 ( too few rounds though ) got the glock in the eighties just got the Beretta end of last year. The Beretta has a safety - natch - and a de-cocker that blocks the hammer from the firing pin (so I feel comfy with one in the pipe even at the dance) it is double and single action so first trigger pull fires the pipe-round. After that one it's single-action - It's a good piece and every Beretta I've had has been spooky accurate and I know I've fired many thousands of rounds over the years - side-arms are personal pref though - you'll hear every kind of macho lie & tale about every piece ever carried - guess I've been CC for about forty or more yonks ~:0)I'm taking my CPL class in the next week or 2, and am looking for a new pistol for carry. Glock is out due to no safety (don't wanna carry without, I'd be scared I'd shoot my pee pee off :bangbang
who carries what and why?
An old friend of mine admonished me yonks back - said, "don't ever fight with an old guy - he knows he can't fight you and win - so he'll just kill you" ~:0)To keep the rowdy retired neighbors in check:gangfire:
Same reason I stuck with the Sig. I definitely could have found something smaller/cheaper, but having that familiarity means a lot to me... and will mean even more if I'm ever put in a situation where I actually need to use it.Obviously, I go for commonality. Muscle memory is important when under duress, and having the same trigger, size and feel was important to me.
what does President Obama have to do with you feeling safe?Since Obama was elected I haven't felt as safe as I used to so I got a concealed carry permit. I know carry a S&W 642 airlight snub nose .38. I have a pocket holster and feel much better everyday. I have been to the range many times to get comfortable. I feel that if I had to I could use it.
Here we go?????:nono:what does President Obama have to do with you feeling safe?
I love it.... Obama came to my house the other day and asked me for my firearms, I just told him "No!" and he said OK and walked to my neighbor's house..... I dont think they own any guns....Here we go?????:nono:
So being able to carry a gun concelled, buying more ammo makes you feel safer? Crime always goes up when jobs and economy are bad that's a known fact.. I have no idea where you leave but I strongly suggest you consider relocating to a safer place. Again the president has the safety of all to worry about, not a sect of the population, so if limiting guns and ammo helps the majority.. I'm all for it. How many guns does one really need?krpcentury said:Just the fact that the country is in a downward spiral. The rate of crime is going up. Check our some of the statistice. As well as the fact that the Obama administration is going to try to limit our right to own and carry guns. Just wanted to be out in front if there is some grandfathering going on. They are also trying to limit the way ammo is sold so I can purchase some while it is ok to do so. Just a few of the reasons why.
As many as I want since it is my right currently until the current President takes that right away from me. How many cigars do you need? If you have more than a handful then I would say you have more than you need, but don't have nearly as many as you want.How many guns does one really need?