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Who carries what and why

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Dec 19, 2009
"Live Free Or Die" state (Exeter, NH)
I carry a Colt Mustang MK IV series 80 .380. Its like a small 1911. every day all day. (Its in case Darkman gives me any lip!! LOL..) No i have a very large sales area and most of the places i go are off the main roads. So i like to be prepared.
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Jun 15, 2008
Cincinnati, OH
There's more to it than that. For me, it's partly an exercise of my 2nd Amendment right. Then there's the fact that one never knows when you may need the ability to defend yourself. I'd rather have the option. I live in a very quiet part of a very quiet county. However, every now and then something happens. I've never been affected by it and likely will never be but...who knows?
There's a saying that goes something like, I'd rather carry all my life and never need it than never carry and need it once. And the story about the pioneer provisioning for his trip west. The outfitter asked if he wanted some guns and the pioneer says, 'Do you think I'll need a gun?'. The outfitter replies, 'I don't know, but if you do, you'll need it fast'.
Well said :)


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Jan 3, 2009
Glen Gardner New Jersey
Good answers guys. I'm not against it by any means. When I sold my quad it was a bit shady. I met a bunch of Russians in a shipping yard in Hoboken, so I brought a friend along and he brought his .38. Just in case.


BOM 2/09-Keeper BOTtLe
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May 8, 2008
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
I carry, and to me it's just like having a spare tire in your car. A very few times I appreciate it alot, at other times I forget I have it. I have drawn twice but never fired as a civian. Military and LE is another story.


BoM August '07
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Dec 16, 2004
Sterling, CO
I used to carry a big, trusty ol' Smith 459, but now have a smaller Beretta PX4 subcompact because some stores make you conceal your gun or leave it in the car.


This Space For Rent
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Feb 6, 2009
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
I forgot to say why I carried. I carry because I can. I carry as much as possible everywhere possible.
Exactly why I'm getting my CPL. I don't think I'll ever need it , but the seatbelt reference earlier (too lazy to go back and find who said it) was right on. I've heard a lot of praise for the glock here. I held one and it just didn't feel right in my hand. Obviously it's important to be comfortable with any weapon you use. My buddy is coming home to visit from Georgia next month and he has a small arsenal. Maybe I'll change my tune on the glock after I fire one but for now I'm happy with my SW M&P 40.


BoM Oct 08 / BoM Oct 09
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Jan 2, 2008
I carry a HK USP40 Comp. Why? Because it's my God Given Right!!!!!!!!!!!
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Jun 23, 2009
Plainville, MA
I have a Berreta compact .40 that I carry when we go out or around town. Its small enough that a in the pants holster works nicely and you can still dress up and never see it. In my messenger bag aka man purse I keep a officers model Springfield .45 a1. Its is stainless with crimson trace grips on it and I simply love this gun. For home defense I have a .410 revolver with a 3" barrel. 5 slugs in that baby and its strictly for close quarters. Good luck with your purchase.
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CRA Member #206760
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Nov 24, 2009
Glock 27 & Glock 23 interchangeably depending on weather and Glock 22 on warrants and raids. I have never seen a perp live after a few hits from a .40 I've had to baby sit a few after several hits from a 9 and 45.

If I can borrow a quote from SkinsFanLarry, "Leave nothing to chance..."


Caught in the Crossfire
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Dec 18, 2007
South Carolina
Customized Springfield 1911 when weather/concealment permits.
Kel-Tec P11 warm weather.
When I join the ranks of the employed again I may look at the Sigs.

I carry because I can and should. The bad guys don't just stay in their own neighborhoods and I don't want them being the only ones carrying. Better to have it and never need it than need it one time and not have it. Also, carrying doesn’t automatically make you safe. There may be times when you’re carrying and don’t want to or can’t draw. CQC requires hand to hand skills as well. If you are going to carry, training is highly recommended and practice, practice, practice!


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Mar 10, 2010
Here's mine. Full house custom M1911 built on a SA frame & slide to fit my hands exactly.

I also like Comp-tac holster systems.

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Jan 6, 2010
I'm taking my CPL class in the next week or 2, and am looking for a new pistol for carry. Glock is out due to no safety (don't wanna carry without, I'd be scared I'd shoot my pee pee off :bangbang:)

who carries what and why?

I hate to say it but if you think there is a chance to "shoot your pee pee of because it doesn't have a safety..... I am not trying to be a smart a$$ or anything, but I don't know if it is the best idea to carry any gun.

With that being said.... when I buy a gun I try to buy it specifically for a reason. concealed if you are looking for a revolver I would recommend a S&W 642. Its a hammerless .38

If you want a semi-auto and size is one of your big concerns. a Walther PPKs.

Another great option if you could find one is the HK P7M8. I love this gun but they are not a current production. BUT wow what a great gun! THis has a safety in the grip.

Safetyless I like the HK p200sk. But you are in the same situation as the glock.


BOM 2/09-Keeper BOTtLe
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May 8, 2008
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
I hate to say it but if you think there is a chance to "shoot your pee pee of because it doesn't have a safety..... I am not trying to be a smart a$$ or anything, but I don't know if it is the best idea to carry any gun.

With that being said.... when I buy a gun I try to buy it specifically for a reason. concealed if you are looking for a revolver I would recommend a S&W 642. Its a hammerless .38

If you want a semi-auto and size is one of your big concerns. a Walther PPKs.

Another great option if you could find one is the HK P7M8. I love this gun but they are not a current production. BUT wow what a great gun! THis has a safety in the grip.

Safetyless I like the HK p200sk. But you are in the same situation as the glock.
Not a fan of the PPK, has a bad habit of taking chunks of shin off your hand. Sig is much better in that class, but these days I'd say if you want a mouse gun go Kel Tec at half the weight.

The Old P7 squeeze cockers are not than uncommon, a shop near me has half a dozen, lots of european PD's have turned them in.


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Mar 10, 2010
P7s are great (I have a P7/PSP, P7M8 & P7M13), but be forewarned that it takes more effort to CC than most other pistol designs.

The current spate of P7s in the market are old German police trade-in P7/PSP models, which have the European-style heel release. This may also confound Americans who are more familiar with American thumb releases. P7/PSPs also will not fit holsters designed for the P7M8 & P7M13, nor do they share the same magazines.

They are great guns, incredibly accurate and cool, however, they are very heavy for a 8+1 9mm and you are very limited in holster rigs because most of the weight is behind the trigger while there is very little "gun" before the trigger. This makes most holster designs unreliable because there is very little gun material to grip onto while the heavy butt can make a P7 easily fall out from the holster.

The top-of-the-line holster for the P7 series is the Milt Sparks Versa Max II, but there is at least a 6-month wait for one.
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